
Consciousness raising-WBAI (Episode 3 of 4): Friendship and loneliness

Consciousness-raising: An examination of women's issues. This discussion focuses on the lack of friendships and loneliness the participants experienced when in their unhappy marriages. The participants were all ex-wives or separated wives. The program was broadcast ca. October 1971 through April 1972. Recording ends abruptly.

Consciousness raising-WBAI (Episode 2 of 4): Adolescent puberty rituals

Consciousness-raising: An examination of women's issues. This discussion focuses on adolescent puberty rituals. The participants discuss how their mothers talked, or avoided talking to them, about puberty, menstruation, buying bras, etc. This program was possibly broadcast with a series of discussions by ex-wives or separated wives ca. October 1971 through April 1972.

Consciousness raising-WBAI (Episode 1 of 4): Housework

This is one of four episodes of WBAI's first Consciousness-raising series, originally titled: "Consciousness-raising: An examination of women's issues." This discussion focuses on the issue of housework, particularly the balance of housework between husband and wife, and what these women learned from their mothers and other wives.

Women in the arts IV (Episode 4 of 5)

Novelist and diarist Anais Nin discusses the development of female consciousness and the effect of the Women's Movement on her work with Judy Chicago. They discuss whether there is such a thing as feminist literature, whether men can ever understand women's literature, and about past and present women writers. Recorded live on KPFK, November 22, 1971.

United Mexican-American Students Symposium at UCLA (Episode 2 of 4)

Reies Lopez Tijerina, leader of the National Confederation of Free City States (Confederación de Pueblos Republicas Liberes), speaks at a meeting of Chicano student and community action groups held at the University of California, Los Angeles on February 22, 1968. The chairman was Eleazar Risco, editor and publisher of La Raza.

Robert Hutchins

Robert Hutchins / Frederick Mayer. - SERIES: Three great teachers of humanity| no. 3 - Dr.

Inquest at Christiana (Episode 9 of 29, Part 1 of 2)

A play by Jon Katz, adapted from the historical documents of the fugitive slave resistance at Christiana, Pennsylvania, on September 11, 1851--the so-called "Christiana Riot." Heard in the cast are Lois Adler, Jay Bonnell, Crystal Field, Brannon Hall, Walter Jones, Frank MacFie, Marvin Peisner, and Ashton Young. Folksongs performed by John Bassette. Technical director, Edgar Walker.

Basic Principles Of Literature, part 2 (Episode 5, part 2 of 2)

SERIES: Ayn Rand Commentary, no. 5: Basic Principles Of Literature part 2 / Ayn Rand. Rand presents her views on the world, international politics, current affairs, and human thought. This particular discussion on the Basic Principles of Literature was broadcast in two parts, cataloged as "a" and b".

Basic Principles Of Literature, part 1 (Episode 5, part 1 of 2)

SERIES: Ayn Rand Commentary, no. 5: Basic Principles Of Literature, part 1 / Ayn Rand. Rand presents her views on the world, international politics, current affairs, and human thought. This particular discussion on the Basic Principles of Literature was broadcast in two parts, cataloged as "a" and b".

William Monroe Trotter (Episode 14 of 14)

In the last episode of the 14-part series, Ted Vincent discusses William Monroe Trotter, a civil rights militant from a Boston family of abolitionists. From 1900-1934, Trotter was a one-man CORE and SNCC.
Displaying items 791 - 800 of 1513


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