Non Pacifica Programming

Peace brigades international / Joe Gorin ; interviewed and produced by Sue Supriano.

Joe Gorin, formerly a psychologist, talks about his work in Central America and how it relates to his Buddhist practice. Gorin worked with the Peace Brigades International in Guatemala, and independently with labor unions there for the past two years. He is also a practicing Buddhist.|PEACE BRIGADES INTERNATIONAL / Joe Gorin| interviewed by Sue Supriano.

Village radio / K. Dean Stephens ; interviewed and produced by Sue Supriano.

K. Dean Stephens, Professor of Development Communications at the Amos Gibson Center, a Bahia media training institution in Puerto Rico, has traveled throughout the world as a media consultant and talks especially about his work with "village radio."|VILLAGE RADIO / K. Dean Stephens| interviewed by Sue Supriano. - SERIES: Steppin' out of Babylon| no.

American Indians and racism / Gabriele Tayac ; interviewed and produced by Sue Supriano.

Gabriele Tayac, granddaughter of Chief Bill Tayac of the Piscataway Indian Nation, talks about her main concerns: the rights of her people to pray in their homeland located in Maryland, the "invisibility" of Indian people, the lack of respect for their cultures no matter what part of the Americas they live in, the continual drive to colonize, and the symptoms of internalized racism th

The Rainbow coalition / Jack O'Dell ; interviewed and produced by Sue Supriano.

Jack O'Dell, Director for International Affairs for the National Rainbow Coalition in Washington, D.C., and the Chairman of the Board of Pacifica Radio, speaks about racism in the United States, Washington politics, especially in U.S. foreign policy.|THE RAINBOW COALITION / Jack O'Dell| interviewed by Sue Supriano. - SERIES: Steppin' out of Babylon| no.

Women of color / Sharon Parker ; interviewed and produced by Sue Supriano.

Sharon Parker, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Women of Color in Washington, D.C., talks about the work of the institute with the particular concerns of women of color and also about the organization of Women for Meaningful Summits.|WOMEN OF COLOR / Sharon Parker| interviewed by Sue Supriano.

National black women's health project / Byllye Avery ; interviewed and produced by Sue Supriano.

Byllye Avery, founder and Executive Director of the National Black Women's Health Project in Atlanta, discusses the philosophy of the NBWHP, and some of its self-help projects including: self-help groups for women who are homeless, sex education for teenage girls and their families, cancer prevention groups, and ten nationwide networks of self-help groups especially designed to meet the ne

Democratic renewal / C.T. Vivian ; interviewed and produced by Sue Supriano.

Reverend Vivian, Chair of the Board of the Center for Democratic Renewal in Atlanta, Georgia, talks about the causes of racism, the growing racial violence in the United States, especially that instigated by skin-head groups and the religious right, and what we should be on the lookout for as anti-racist activists. He also conducts anti-racist workshops.
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