History of United States Mideast policy : motives and consequences / Joel Beinin ; produced by David Barsamian.

Program Title:
History of United States Mideast policy : motives and consequences / Joel Beinin ; produced by David Barsamian.
PRA Archive #: 

Talk by Joel Beinin, Professor of Middle East history at Stanford University and member of the Jewish Committee on the Middle East. He examines the turbulent and complex relationship between the United States and the Middle East since World War II. He also traces the origins of U.S. involvement, the crucial politics of oil, the impact of the Islamic Revoltuion in Iran on United States policies, and why there has been such little interest or information in America about one of the world's most strategically vital regions.|HISTORY OF U.S. MIDEAST POLICY : MOTIVES AND CONSEQUENCES / Joel Beinin| produced by David Barsamian. Talk by Joel Beinin, Professor of Middle East History at Stanford University and member of the Jewish Committee on the Middle East. He examines the turbulent and complex relationship between the United States and the Middle East since World War II. He traces the origins of U.S. involvement, the crucial politics of oil, the impact of the Islamic Revolution in Iran on U.S. policies, and why there has been such little interest or information in America about one of the world's most strategically vital regions. RECORDED: Stanford University, 14 Mar. 1991. BROADCAST: 2 Apr. 1991.

Date Recorded on: 
Stanford University, 14 Mar. 1991.
Date Broadcast on: 
2 Apr. 1991.
Item duration: 
1 reel (59 min.) : 7 1/2 ips., stereo.|59:00
Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archive, 1991.
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