Critical Resistance; What's Left of the Left in Germany and Russia;
(23 Minutes) Critical Resistance Part II Excerpts from the conference Critical Resistance: Beyond the Prison-Industrial Complex at UC-Berkeley will be played and discussed. GUEST: Mike Davis, author of BOOK: CITY OF QUARTZ. GUEST: Jose Lopez, an activist with teh Puerto Rican Cultural Center. (27 Minutes) What's Left of the Left in Germany and Russia Germany's newly elected Social Democrats moved swiftly to put their stamp on power as plans emerged to reduce taxes in 1999 and bring forward the government's move from Bonn to Berlin. Many people are hailing the ousting of Helmut Kohl as a victory for the left, but some say the government of Gerhard Schroeder is nothing new. GUEST: Martin Lee, co-founder of FAIR, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting and auther of BOOK: THE BEAST REAWAKENS