Campaign Finance Abuses; Commerce Department; Police Brutality
(14 Minutes) Campaign Finance Abuses Democrats on the Senate panel investigating campaign finance abuses are expected to go on the offensive for the first time today. Accusations against Republican Party. GUEST: Dan Morgan, a reporter for the Washington Post. (19 Minutes) Commerce Department In hearings, the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee has tried to link mid-level commerce Department officials. Time is spent on the overall Clinton Commerce Department and its relations with large corporate donors under leadership of Ron Brown. GUEST: Ken Silverstein, the co-editor of Counterpunch, a newsletter about Washington. (17 Minutes) Police Brutality Civil rights groups across the country have been holding meetings pushing for Congressional hearings on the issue. In Spartanburg, SC, activists face a particularly hostile racial climate. GUEST: Charles Davis, former president of the Spartanburg, SC , NAACP GUEST: Errol Maitland, producer at Pacifica-WBAI whose son was murdered last year by security guards in Spartanburg, SC.