Democracy Now! February 22, 1999

Program Title:
Democracy Now! February 22, 1999
Series Title:
PRA Archive #: 

Jasper; Malcolm X; Caragena Bio-Safety Conference; UK Controversy Over Genetically Engineered Foods; Debate Between Monsato and Jeremy Rifkin;

Jasper An update on the murder trial of Bill King, a white supremist accused of dragging an African American man (William Byrd) to death. GUEST: Jeremy Scahill, reporter for Democracy Now! Malcolm X Yesterday marked the 34th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X, and we play just a few minutes from the documentary "Brother Minister: The Assassination of Malcolm X." Cartagena Bio-safety Conference Representatives from over 100 countries, dozens of environmental organizations and from trade and business organizations around the world have convened in Caragena, Colombia, for the U.N.-sponsored conference on bio-safety. The international rules guiding the business of bioengiineered products will be set here this week. GUEST: Charles Margulis, Greenpeace Genetic Engineering Specialist attending the conference. UK Controversy Over Genetically Engineered Foods In Britain, an unusual coalition composed of environmental activists, the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrats, dissidents from the Labor Party and Britain's Prince Charles are calling a moratorium on the consumption of genetically engineered foods. Their target--Monsanto-main exporter of the foods. GUEST: Dr. Douglas Parr, Campaign Director for Greenpeace, U.K. Debate between Monsato and Jeremy Rifkin Biotech giant Monsanto recently made headlines for its tactixcs in trying to enforce tha patent on its seeds. GUEST: Jay Byrne, spokesperson for Monsanto. GUEST: Jeremy Rifkin, President of the Foundation on Economic Trends in Washington, DC and author of the BOOK: THE BIOTECH CENTURY. HARNESSING THE GENE ANDREMAKING THE WORLD

Date Recorded on: 
February 22, 1999
Date Broadcast on: 
February 22, 1999
Item duration: 
WPFW; Maria Carrion; Amy Goodman; February 22, 1999
Rights Summary: 
RESTRICTED. Permissions, licensing requests, Curriculum Initiative, Campus Campaign and all other inquiries should be directed to: Mark Torres, Archives Director, 800-735-0230,
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