Chevron Under Fire; Sweatshop Reports
(23 Minutes) Chevron Under Fire The recent wave of repression and violence by the Nigerian military in the Niger Delta that has left scores of villagers dead has sparked worldwide attention. So has the role of oil companies such as Royal Dutch Shell and the US multinational Chevron in the killing of the villagers. US Representative Dennis Kucinich (D0OH) has circulated a "Dear Colleague" letter on Capitol Hill which begins by saying: "I urge you to initiate a congressional investigation into the allegations of killings of innocent civilians, human rights abuses, and harassment of environmental activists by the Nigerian security forces in collaboration with US multinational oil corporations in the Niger Delta in recent weeks. GUEST: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH). GUEST: Simon Billingess, with Franklin Research, a socially conscious investment firm in Boston. (27 Minutes) Sweatshop Protests Students across the country are raising their voices against sweatshop labor practices - a series of protests on college campuses has forced administrations to review how they contract out their official apparel products. GUEST: Eric Brakken, senior at the University of Wisconsin and Chair of the Associated Students of Madison. He is part of the anti-sweatshop coalition. GUEST: Tico Almeida, senior at Duke University and part of Duke Students Against Sweatshops. GUEST: Vanessa Walreff, vice president of Georgetown Solidarity Committee. GUEST: Bruce Siegal, Vice president and General Counsel of the Collegiate Licensing Company, which has contracts with 160 universityies nationwide to produce official university apparel.