Pretense Vs. Reality / Daniel Sheehan| produced by the Christic Institute. - Talk by Christic Institute attorney Daniel Sheehan on United States defense spending, and its influence upon United States foreign policy. CONTENT: r.1. U.S. militarism| Pentagon refusal to retool| Global Reach and Global Power| Corporate warfare and the Third World| Democratic party complacency toward SDI| the CIA spying for Corporations| the nominations of Donal Gregg, Thomas Bork and Clarence Thomas| the rightest shift in the Federal Judiciary| Covert action, 1990 (42 min.) -- r.2. Legislative cowardice| the Presidency and war| Senate Covert Intelligence Act, 1990| the pardon of Oliver North| indictment of Clair George| the USSR and personal liberty| the voting power of the baby boomers| new political parties (48 min.). - RECORDED: 1990.
Pretense Vs. Reality
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Pretense Vs. Reality
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