Uncovering The Scandal : Popular Opinion And Difficulties In Investigating The Iran-contra Affair

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Uncovering The Scandal : Popular Opinion And Difficulties In Investigating The Iran-contra Affair
PRA Archive #: 

UNCOVERING THE SCANDAL : POPULAR OPINION AND DIFFICULTIRES IN INVESTIGATING THE IRAN-CONTRA AFFAIR / Robert Parry| interviewed by Dennis Bernstein. - Robert Parry, author of "Fooling America," discusses how the political atmosphere of the Reagan administration made it very difficult to cover developments in American policy toward Central America, particularly its relationship with Nicaragua. CONTENT: Parry discusses how journalists must battle Washington establishment to cover important stories. The Reagan administration manipulated public perceptions as a means to accomplish indefensible policies, which has grave impliations for U.S. political process. Parry goes on to examine the Boland Amendment, the Iran-Contra Affair, and the role of the Christic Institute in breaking down the barriers.

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