Threats To Our Democracy

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Program Title:
Threats To Our Democracy
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Threats To Our Democracy / Noam Chomsky. Noam Chomsky, professor of linguistics at MIT, speaks about American concepts of Democracy, tracing the development of those ideas. He addresses issues such as: modern propaganda| the anti-war attitudes of 1916| slander toward Germans| liberal democrate participation in propaganda, such as Walter Lippman and Rhinehold Nebor| the breakup of the labor movement during the Great Depression| decline of unions and working class following World War II| Reagan's popularity vs. his unpopular policies| misunderstanding of the human cost of war, such as Vietnam and the Gulf War| Gulf War coverage as propaganda| American policy toward Panama, South Africa and Namibia| comparison of 60's anti-war movement to that during the Gulf War| the potential of making Cuba the next enemy| El Salvador human rights issues| and the depiction of Saddam Hussein as a monster. RECORDED: Berkeley, Mar. 1991. BROADCAST: KPFK, 30 Aug. 1991.

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