Solstice / produced by Nancy Delaney. - SERIES: Witchin hour. Songs and a poem about the earth during the Winter solstice, and on the meaning of the Winter solstice itself. CONTENTS: Blessing song / Marsie Sylverstro -- Like a mountain / Naomi Little Bear Moreno -- Little wheel / Buffie St. Marie -- Mother of the universe / Yoko Ono -- Circling free / Marsie Sylverstro -- Shooting star / Lorraine Dulset -- Sweet mother earth / Linda Arnold -- Healing sister, the silence full / Lauralse Brown, Denise Leigh, Susan Dobra -- Spirit of loving / Marsie Sylvestro -- See here she said / Kate Wolf -- See here / Judy Mayhan -- Circle round / Ferron -- Feather on the wind / Woodie Simmons -- Ring around the moon / Real World -- High on the mountain / Ala Belle Band (continued on reel 2)