FTV 330 Rita Mae Brown, Feminist Author
This week on From the Vault we present a recording of a distinguished novelist rooted in the second wave of feminism, Rita Mae Brown, whose groundbreaking and unapologetic Rubyfruit Jungle (1973) was preceded by her involvement in the Civil Rights, Gay Liberation, and Feminist Movements of the 1960’s, and service as an administrator for the National Organization for Women. In this speech, recorded at the historic Women’s Building in Los Angeles on July 4th, 1976, the thirty one-year old Brown salutes efforts of the collective to purchase and administrate the Women’s Building. She also explores the relationship between art and politics, and she reads from In Her Day (her second novel), which attempts to bridge the gap between two generations of feminists.
From the Vault is presented through the Pacifica Radio Archives Preservation and Access Project, funded in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts, past grants from the Grammy Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the American Archive funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, along with the generous support of Pacifica Radio listeners.
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