A Murder in Memphis / moderated by Mark Lane and Dick Gregory.

Informal speeches by Mark Lane and Dick Gregory which explores the question of who killed Martin Luther King, Jr., and the possible motivations.
r.1. King's program for radical change in the United States ; the tactic of nonviolence ; opposition to the Vietnam War ; joining the anti-war and Civil Rights movements ; confronting the economic system ; the assassination in Memphis ; FBI files ; other governmental plots ; James Earl Ray as a scapegoat / Mark Lane (60 min.) -- r.2-3.

Art, society, and social economics / John Cage and Morton Feldman.

Cage and Feldman discuss the influence of others upon there music, compositions being absolute, why they compose, and the nature of music as art. They go on to explore the history of art subsidy, from the Middle Ages through the renaissance, and what some artists will do to get attention.|ART, SOCIETY, AND SOCIAL ECONOMICS / John Cage and Morton Feldman. - SERIES: Radio happening| no.

The Nature and goals of our music / John Cage and Morton Feldman.

Cage and Feldman discuss their musical compositions, from audience to performer and composer. They go on to trace the origins of avant-garde music composition in the 1940's, as well as the expectations people have of other humans.|THE NATURE AND GOALS OF OUR MUSIC / John Cage and Morton Feldman. - SERIES: Radio happening| no.

Where do ideas come from / John Cage and Morton Feldman.

Cage and Feldman discuss the nature of "cultural intrusion," in which the sights and sounds of the man-made world intrude upon us all, shaping the ways we can think, and the origin of artistic ideas.|WHERE DO IDEAS COME FROM / John Cage and Morton Feldman. - SERIES: Radio happening| no.
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