Three separate interviews, the first two on Saddam Hussein and the last a book review.|SADDAM HUSSEIN AND THE FUTURE OF IRAQ / Graham Fuller, Mohammad Shahr, and Frederic Kemp| interviewed by Ian Masters. - SERIES: Background briefing| no.
pt.1. Graham Fuller, a Middle East expert for the Rand Corporation, discusses how Hussein had survvived by striking fear and terror into the populace, thus shattering the belief that he would fall on his own following Operation Desert Storm -- pt.2. Mohammd Shahr, editor of Middle Eastern Times, explains how the Islamic world sees Saddam Hussein.
pt.1. Graham Fuller, a Middle East expert for the Rand Corporation, discusses how Hussein had survvived by striking fear and terror into the populace, thus shattering the belief that he would fall on his own following Operation Desert Storm -- pt.2. Mohammd Shahr, editor of Middle Eastern Times, explains how the Islamic world sees Saddam Hussein.