Part of seven programs about caring for the earth and the environment.|THE GREEN REVOLUTION : POLITICS AS IF THE EARTH MATTERED / Petra Kelly| produced by Pam Burton. SERIES: Healing the planet : care and repair of planet earth| no. 7 7th in a series of programs about caring for the earth.
Reading of a speech originally to be delivered by Kelly, co-founder of the Green Party and member of the West German National Parliament. She talks about the Green Party searching for low-tech decentralized technologies and healthy energy systems, moving away from wasteful overdependence, and destructive modes of production and technology.
Reading of a speech originally to be delivered by Kelly, co-founder of the Green Party and member of the West German National Parliament. She talks about the Green Party searching for low-tech decentralized technologies and healthy energy systems, moving away from wasteful overdependence, and destructive modes of production and technology.