
KPFA poetry festival (1977) / recorded by Randy Thom and Doug Maisel.

KPFA Poetry Festival May 14, 1977. From the folio: "On Saturday, May 14, U.C.'s S.U.P.E.R.B. Productions will present what will be the biggest poetry reading staged in the Bay Area since the Vietnam era, and perhaps the biggest ever. And all on behalf of raising funds for KPFA! KPFA and Pacifica have long been an important medium for the presentation of the works of contemporary poets.

Timpanist Elayne Jones / produced by Charles Amirkhanian.

Charles Amirkhanian interviews timpanist Elayne Jones. She discusses her career, the problems of Blacks in American symphonies, and the influence of Black African music on Western European music. Includes excerpts of performances (Elayne Jones plays timpani on all of these selections). Tchaikovsky "1812 Overture"- Morton Gould, RCA Symphony Orch.

A case in point

A documentary study of de facto segregation in Los Angeles, produced by Jim Osborn of KPFK. The case in point is the boundary between the White South Gate High School and the Black David Starr Jordan High, just a mile and a half away.

Hal Draper's commentary on the San Francisco Examiner's attack on Women for Peace

Hal Draper, socialist activist and author comments on the San Francisco Examiner's attack on Women for Peace, which had been holding demonstrations all over the country against bomb testing. In an article printed in the San Francisco Examiner on Monday, May 21, 1962, it was suggested that the Women for Peace movement was infiltrated and controlled by Communists.
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