
The Lawrence strike / Meredith Tax ; produced by Ann Snitow.

This program is a history of the Lawrence Strike, a poetic adaptation of "The Rising of the Women: a history of women in the labor movement 1890-1920" by Meredith Tax, to be published later this year (1972?) by McGraw Hill. The chapter on Lawrence was adapted for radio by Ann Snitow.

Me Jane, you Tarzan / Elaine Morgan ; interviewed by Lois Hansen and Julia Curtis.

If you ask any school kid what prehistoric society was like, you're sure to hear about cave men, cudgels and pulling women around by the hair. Until recently, neither children nor archeologists had attributed much importance to the role of cave women, not to mention that of she-apes, in determining the direction of pre-historic human development.

Daisy Aldan reads her poetry

Poet Daisy Aldan describes her style of poetry and reads selections from her collection "Breakthrough." She also reads from her translation of Albert Steffen's drama "The Death Experience of Manes."

Courageous sisters / produced by Deborah Janone.

This program takes a look at some of the vibrant and exciting women of the 1800's who were in many ways responsible for beginning the women's movement in the United States. Dramatized versions of speeches and diaries are used, as well as live and recorded music, and discussion with Isabel Welsh, a member of the League of Academic Women at the University of California at Berkeley.
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