
The women's suffragist movement / Susan Rennie

Feminist historian and co-editor of "The new woman's survival catalog," Susan Rennie talks about the suffragist movement with Helene Rosenbluth and Annette Hunt. Rennie discusses the early feminists, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and others...their efforts and accomplishments from 1848 to 1919.

Kate Millett and her book Flying

Kate Millett interviewed by Paul Vangelisti on her book "Flying" and her ideals about art in her life. Previously cataloged as "The artist and Flying."

Rapid transit : when, where, and how? (Episode 1 of 2)

Barry Siegel, Los Angeles Urban Coalition Transportation Consultant; Margot Feuer, member of the South Coast Regional Commission and Land Use Planning Advocate for Los Angeles County; and Tad Widby, Transportation and Land Use Planner for the Southern California Association of Governments talk about land use and transportation in Southern California. Moderated by Ellen Stern Harris.

A women's guitar / Gill Burns ; interviewed by Edward Haber.

Guitarist, folksinger and songwriter Gill Burns is interviewed by Edward Haber at WBAI's studios, featuring live performance of her English folk music as well as music played off of recordings. Burns discusses her involvement with the Women's Guitar Workshop record and about the evolution of her songwriting career.

Fiddle music / Marie Rhines ; interviewed by Edward Haber.

Marie Rhines is a fiddler of Scottish, Irish, and American music. In this interview with Edward Haber, she talks about her music and plays examples of her fiddling style from records. Rhines talks about her interest in American Appalachian fiddle music, her particular interpretations of different styles of folk music, and the difficulties of notation and improvisation.

The meaning (if any) of Intro 554 (Episode 12)

A "special" Gay Alternatives discussion of New York City's gay civil-rights bill, and its relevance (if any) to the lives of gays. Guests are Kitty Cotter, media coordinator for Lesbian Feminist Liberation; Frances Doughty, board chairperson of the National Gay Task Force; and Arnie Kantrowitz, writer and former vice president of Gay Activists Alliance.
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