
Lesbian sisters / Deborah Posey and Rita Mae Brown interviewed by Helene Rosenbluth

This episode of "Lesbian Sisters" features an interview with Deborah Posey, a Black lesbian mother from Detroit and member of the Revolutionary Socialist League, who talks about the gay movement in Detroit, her family's recent harassment and forcible eviction by a homophobic landlord, and how gay liberation can only truly be achieved in a socialist society.

The Essential elements of security / Winona LaDuke.

A speech by the environmental and Native American activist Winona LaDuke. LaDuke describes the difference between the 'natural order' and the 'synthetic order', speaks about desertification and water contamination, and exhorts the audience to respect the Earth.

Nicaragua / Mona Field interviewed by Dorothy Healey

Mona Field shares her observations from a visit to Nicaragua from July through August, 1980 for the first anniversary of the Sandinist (FSLN) overthrow of the Somoza government. Field describes the brutality of Somoza's National Guard, the optimism of the Nicaraguan people after the revolution, and the impact of Reagan's election on the Caribbean and Nicaragua. Aircheck.

Poland / Karel Kovanda interviewed by Dorothy Healey

Karel Kovanda, a Czechoslovakian who emigrated to the United States in 1970 at the age of 25, speaks with Dorothy Healey on conditions in Poland. He gives his opinions on the significance of recent events in Poland which culminated in victories for trade unions, as well as the topic of censorship.

Malvina and Dorothy / produced by Dorothy Healey.

Folk singer Malvina Reynolds talks with Dorothy Healey and sings some of her own songs about the workers' movement, computers, nuclear power, non-realism, the KKK, and rape. Reynolds and Healey talk about communicating with people of all ages, her life and her family, the movement against nuclear power and the basis for her political beliefs.
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