
The Great goddess / produced by Joanna Brouk. (Episode 1 of 7)

An examination of the goddess as creator and the facts and discoveries concerning the role of women in ancient times. In ancient myth throughout the world, from Asia to Ireland, to the islands of the Pacific, to ancient Crete, Babylonia and Phoenicia, the first creator of all was the Goddess.

The Politics of nursing / produced by Toni Gray.

This documentary describes the history of the healing arts in the U.S., especially the women involved. This history of nursing education is described as well as the socialization that went along with it, the struggle to unionize, and strategies for the future. Contains news clips from KPFA, music and is self-contained.

Kyrgyz woman interviewed by William Mandel

Rosa, a Kyrgyz woman in her thirties, describes how her schoolteacher mother managed to raise 12 children, details the government's assistance, the fact that several brothers and sisters, including herself, are college graduates, and answers the typically American question of William Mandel and his wife Tania about whether so many kids don't make a woman a brood-sow and don't adversely affect h
Previously titled "Soviet woman interviewed by William Mandel."

Young Soviet woman interviewed by William Mandel

Unstructured interview with a 16 year-old Soviet Central Asian (Goolia Mirzaharova or possibly Gulia Muzafarova) who talks of her life, her wishes for children elsewhere in the world, and her attitude toward American Blacks. Produced by William Mandel. The Russian-language interview plays in the right channel, while Mandel does a real-time English translation in the left channel.
Mandel's interview with her mother can be heard in recording AZ0336.

Moldavia minority / produced by William Mandel

Interview done in U.S.S.R. in September 1977, with Maria Vasilievna Marievich, a female anthropologist of a Turkic-speaking tribal minority the Gagauz, living in Soviet republic, Moldavia, bordering Romania. She is the assistant head of the anthropology sector of the Academy of Sciences of Moldavia, which at the time, was in the Republic of the Soviet Union just east of Romania.

People's theatre magazine: October 1977

People's Theatre Magazine: October 1977. Part 1: Interviews with three men of San Francisco's Gay Mens' Theatre Collective, Anthony Eshbach[sp?], Greg Konnenborn, and Tommy Pace about the production of their very popular theatre piece, "Crimes Against Nature," with excerpts from the play (45:00).

Therapy, solidarity work, Silverstein memorial

Dialectical Therapy: New Directions From the Gay Left. Kevin Burke interviews two members of a recently-formed, progressive, gay men's therapy collective. Topics covered include power of the therapist, traditional versus nontraditional forms of therapy, and the place of money in therapy. Also a short interview with Yanaka Mountainfire of NAPA.

Income trend in the Soviet Union ; Women in the Soviet Union / William Mandel

Soviet Press and Periodicals. Regular weekly show on KPFA, hosted by top Soviet Analyst William Mandel. Position of women in medical science is highlighted. Contains phone-ins. Mandel states it is his 20th annual program for International Woman's Day. Program begins with an answer to the last week's question regarding the Soviet income spread. (From label) Excellent show.
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