Loeffler, Jack.
PRA Archive #![]() |
Title | Description | Genre | Broadcast Date |
SZ0335 | Black Mesa sacrifice / interviews by Jack Loeffler ; produced by Richard Crow. |
Documentary from interviews which explores the controversy surrounding the removal of Navajo and... |
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SZ0378 | Poet Philip Whalen / interviewed by Jack Loeffler. |
Discussion of the Beat literary movement. Includes a performance of G.F. Handel's Concerto... |
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SZ0379 | Edward Abbey : author and iconoclast / interviewed by Jack Loeffler. |
Discussion of the human condition and the natural environment. Also includes two selections by... |
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SZ0380 | Dave Foreman of Earth First / interviewed by Jack Loeffler. |
Foreman discusses the philosophical foundation for non-violent direct action within the... |
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SZ0381 | Filmmaker Gary Dewalt / interviewed by Jack Loeffler. |
Discussion of his film Gemhaku-shi, about an Air Force crew imprisoned in Hiroshima at the time... |
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SZ0382 | Alvin Josephy / interviewed by Jack Loeffler. |
Author and former editor-in-chief of American Heritage, discusses the role of Native Americans... |
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SZ0383 | Andrew Hill / interviewed by Jack Loeffler. |
Doctor and author discusses psychotropic substances and holistic healing. Also includes a 1969... |
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SZ0384 | Filmmaker-artist Anna Sofaer / interviewed by Jack Leoffler. |
Discussion of an ancient Puebloan solstice marker in Chaco Canyon, which is the subject of her... |
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SZ0385 | Godfrey Reggio / interviewed by Jack Loeffler. |
Filmmaker discusses the philosophical premises which led to the production of Koyanisqaatsi, and... |
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SZ0386 | Author John Nichols / interviewed by Jack Loeffler. |
Author of the Milagro Beanfield War discusses Marxist thought and environmental issues. Also... |
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SZ0387 | Reverend John Fife / interviewed by Jack Loeffler. |
John Fife provides a defense of the Sanctuary movement, and an examination of American... |
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SZ0388 | Ecologist-author Garret Hardin / interviewed by Jack Loeffler. |
Author of An Ecolate View of the Human Predicament, discusses how the taboo-stalker exemplifies... |
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SZ0389 | Mr. Griz" : Douglas Peacock / interviewed by Jack Loeffler. |
Discussion of Grizzly Bears and the Vietnam War. Also includes a performance of J.J. Quantz... |
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SZ0390 | Poet Gary Snyder / interviewed by Jack Loeffler. |
Comparison of bio-gegionalist theory and contemporary anarchist thought. Also includes a... |
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SZ0554.01 | The Tragedy of the commons / Dr. Garrett Hardin, Douglas Peacock ; produced by Jack Loeffler. |
Dr. Garrett Hardin, author of The Tragedy of the Commons, and Douglas Peacock, Vietnam veteran... |
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SZ0554.02 | Desert solitaire, the monkey wrench gang, and hayduke lives / produced by Jack Loeffler. |
Edward Abbey, author of Desert solitaire, The Monkey Wrench Gang, and Hayduke Lives, speaks... |
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SZ0554.03 | Riprap, regarding wave, and turtle island / produced by Jack Loeffler. |
Gary Snyder, author of Riprap, Regarding Wave, and Turtle Island, along with Dave Foreman who... |
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SZ0554.04-.12 | Los Tesoros del espiritu : a portrait in sound of hispanic New Mexico / produced by Jack Loeffler. |
Series of 9 programs that deal with the history of the Hispanic Rio Grande del Norte. Includes... |
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SZ0554.13 | A Puebloan perspective / produced by Jack Loeffler. |
Documentary from interviews with inhabitants of the western Native American pueblos of New... |
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