Non Pacifica Programming

I Am One Of You Forever

I Am One Of You Forever / Fred Chappell| produced by Tom Hansell. - SERIES: Front porch stories| no. 1 Story of a boy, Jess, and his family who are visited by an endless variety of eccentric uncles and other family members. CONTENT: Jess and his dad finish fishing and come to terms with Johnson Gibb's death.

I Am One Of You Forever

I Am One Of You Forever / Fred Chappell| produced by Tom Hansell. - SERIES: Front porch stories| no. 1 Story of a boy, Jess, and his family who are visited by an endless variety of eccentric uncles and other family members. CONTENT: Jess and his father go fishing, where Jess tries things he never had before.

I Am One Of You Forever

I Am One Of You Forever / Fred Chappell| produced by Tom Hansell. - SERIES: Front porch stories| no. 1 Story of a boy, Jess, and his family who are visited by an endless variety of eccentric uncles and other family members. CONTENT: Jess and Johnson Gibbs become convinced that Doc MacGreavey, the horse doctor, has poisoned their dog.

I Am One Of You Forever

I Am One Of You Forever / Fred Chappell| produced by Tom Hansell. - SERIES: Front porch stories| no. 1 Story of a boy, Jess, and his family who are visited by an endless variety of eccentric uncles and other family members. CONTENT: Uncle Runken visits, bringing a coffin which he sleeps in in the upstairs bedroom.

I Am One Of You Forever

I Am One Of You Forever / Fred Chappell| produced by Tom Hansell. - SERIES: Front porch stories| no. 1 Story of a boy, Jess, and his family who are visited by an endless variety of eccentric uncles and other family members. CONTENT: Uncle Zeno tells more stories. After he leaves, no one can remeber if he visited or not.

I Am One Of You Forever

I Am One Of You Forever / Fred Chappell| produced by Tom Hansell. - SERIES: Front porch stories| no. 1 Story of a boy, Jess, and his family who are visited by an endless variety of eccentric uncles and other family members. CONTENT: Johnson Gibbs leaves to fight Hitler, then the dreaded war department telegram arrives.

I Am One Of You Forever

I Am One Of You Forever / Fred Chappell| produced by Tom Hansell. - SERIES: Front porch stories| no. 1 Story of a boy, Jess, and his family who are visited by an endless variety of eccentric uncles and other family members. CONTENT: Johnson Gibbs comes home from the Army and courts.

I Am One Of You Forever

I Am One Of You Forever / Fred Chappell| produced by Tom Hansell. - SERIES: Front porch stories| no. 1 Story of a boy, Jess, and his family who are visited by an endless variety of eccentric uncles and other family members. CONTENT: After poking fun at an evangelist preacher, Jess' dad sees God in a tornado.

I Am One Of You Forever

I Am One Of You Forever / Fred Chappell| produced by Tom Hansell. - SERIES: Front porch stories| no. 1 Story of a boy, Jess, and his family who are visited by an endless variety of eccentric uncles and other family members. CONTENT: Unclde Luden leaves, then Uncle Gerten arrives with his fabled beard.

I Am One Of You Forever

I Am One Of You Forever / Fred Chappell| produced by Tom Hansell. - SERIES: Front porch stories| no. 1 Story of a boy, Jess, and his family who are visited by an endless variety of eccentric uncles and other family members.
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