Non Pacifica Programming

What's left? / produced by Alan Snitow and Claire Schoen.

Satirical radio drama about the identity crisis facing progressives after the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War. It is based on interviews with Democratic activists in the Soviet Union. The drama follows a North American television reporter, once a radical activist, who traveles thorugh the Soviet Union trying to make sense of it all.|WHAT'S LEFT?

Oppression in the Guatemalan Highlands / produced by Andrew Leslie Phillips.

Three part series which draws from poetry and writing in the context of social turmoil in three Central American countries. It points to the purpose of literature in the midst of death squads, torture, hunger and crushing poverty.|OPPRESSION IN THE GUATEMALAN HIGHLANDS / produced by Andrew Leslie Phillips.
Features the sounds, songs and sentiment from schools, villages and cathedrals which shape the literature of the Guatemalan Highlands. In this region of the county eight million people suffer and speak about what happened to the 100,000 or more murdered in the past two decades.

Second thoughts on the First Amendment / Howard Zinn.

Howard Zinn, historian who specializes in the Revolutionary and Constitutional periods of United States history, speaks about the reality of the First Amendment: power determines freedom of speech.
Ronald Reagan's article about the bicentenial -- the First Amendment as experienced by Zinn -- economic rights guaranteed by the Constitution -- historical restrictions to the First Amendment -- Words vs. reality in the First Amendment -- the First Amendment and private employment -- question and answer session.

The Christmas connection.

Documentary on the traditions of Christmas.|THE CHRISTMAS CONNECTION / Steve Allen. A documentary on the traditions of Christmas.

Spanish Civil War recollections.

Unidentified Americans discuss their experiences in the Spanish Civil War, the attacks on Sigura de Vanges (sp?) and Valencia.

Billie Holiday / produced by A.B. Spellman.

A.B. (Alfred B.) Spellman, jazz critic and author of "Four Lives in the Bebop Business" hosts this program on the music of Billie Holiday, on her life and singing the blues. Includes recorded music. Post it found on label: "58:30 Total. 31:20 side 1"
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