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THIS WAY OUT the international gay & lesbian radio magazine Program #701, distributed 09/03/01: (hosted this week by Greg Gordon and produced with Lucia Chappelle) South Asian Gay & Lesbian Film Festival breaks ground and builds images; British activist Tatchell's plans for Zimbabwe's phobic Mugabe in Brisbane; A U.S. federal court supports Florida's ban on gay & lesbian parenting; South African activists sue for same-gender couple pension rights while Czech Catholics petition against a partner registry bill, the trial of Egypt's 52 continues, and other GLBT news from around the world * In "NewsWrap": South Africa's Lesbian and Gay Equality Project files suit against the government to gain pension rights for queer-coupled civil servants... in Canada, the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal rules that non-biological lesbian co-parents can be registered on the birth certificates of babies their partners bear by artificial insemination... in the Czech Republic, over 68,000 Catholics have signed a petition opposing a bill to establish legal registered partnerships... some 600,000 gay and lesbian couples declared themselves to the U.S. Census last year, but activists believe that's still a serious undercount... the legislature of the Mexican state of Chiapas unanimously adopts wide-ranging civil rights protections for gays and lesbians... the unprecedented trial continues in Egypt's state security court of 52 men arrested on a gay-inclusive riverboat club in May and charged with "practicing debauchery with men"... and other GLBT news from around the world [written by CINDY FRIEDMAN and anchored by BRIAN NUNES and KELLI BLANCHFIELD].(about 10:00) * In Miami this week, U.S. federal judge James Lawrence King upheld Florida's ban on gays and lesbians becoming adoptive parents -- a decision supported by brother of the President and Governor Jeb Bush. The ruling comes after the state announced it would try to rescind the foster care contract it has with Steven Lofton, a gay man in Oregon, who's the lead plaintiff in the case. This report by This Way Out's SUSAN GAGE in Tallahassee includes comments by Governor Bush's spokesperson LISA GATES, and MATT COLES of the American Civil Liberties Union Gay & Lesbian Rights Project.(about 3:30) * Whether or not human rights are on the official agenda at the British Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in October in Brisbane, Australia, at which outspokenly homophobic Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe is expected, such issues will be on the minds of many observers around the world. British queer activist PETER TATCHELL of the non-violent queer direct action group OutRage! has been conducting a human rights crusade against Mugabe for quite some time, which has included trying to make a citizen's arrest of the Zimbabwe head of state during some of his previous official trips out of the country. Tatchell tells Queer Radio's John Frame why he'll be in Brisbane in October. (about 4:30) * Homosexuality hasn't gained much acceptance in India, and images of gays and lesbians of South Asian descent on the big screen have been rare. But the tide is slowly turning, in both the social and the cinematic arenas, as This Way Out's BRYAN GOEBEL discovered at a groundbreaking South Asian gay film festival being held this weekend in San Francisco (includes audio clips from some of the films, and comments by organizer SANDIP ROY, editor of Trikone magazine, a publication for South Asian gays and lesbians; RIYAD WADIA, the producer and director of "BomGAY"; and openly-gay Indian poet R. RAJ RAO).(about :00)

Date Recorded on: 
September 3, 2001
Date Broadcast on: 
Los Angeles, Pacifica Radio Archive, 2001
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