This Way Out : The International Gay And Lesbian Magazine : No. 431

Program Title:
This Way Out : The International Gay And Lesbian Magazine : No. 431
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This Way Out : The International Gay And Lesbian Magazine : No. 431 : JULY 1 /Produced by Greg Gordon and Lucia Chappelle. - On going weekly news magazine which explores contemporary gay issues as well as important past events in the gay rights movement. - CONTENT: pt.1.Newswrap / Cindy Friedman and Brian Nunes| Hate Crimes Statistics Act| US Universalists Unitarians| country and state updates (8:25) -- pt.2. guest Patricia Nell Warren on the right to be spiritual (4:40) -- pt.3. UK working to change the age of consent for gay male sex| guest Christopher Morris, the 17 year old who's become the new complainant and Angela Mason, of the national lesbigay rights group, Stonewall (5:35) -- pt.4. guest Dick Schapp, ABC TV sportscaster and author of the book, Gay Olympian: The Life and Death of Dr. Tom Waddell| discussion with Schapp about Waddell's rennaissance life (7:35) - Satellite, July 1, 1996.

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