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Campus Campaign: From the vault to the classroom! (Volume Two)

Duplication cost + Shipping: $125
Program Title:
Campus Campaign: From the vault to the classroom! (Volume Two)
PRA Archive #: 

The collection is an exploration of nine subjects within the Campus Campaign Series: Civil Rights (Vol. 2), U.S. History (Vol. 2), Arts & Literature (Vol. 2), Black Power, Science, Native American Studies, Latino/Chicano Studies, Gay & Lesbian Studies, and Great Voices from the Radio; over 90 hours of selected material by Pacifica Radio Archives collaborators and advisors, presented in mp3 format. You will receive one USB memory stick loaded with the complete collection, and the school or library of your choice will receive nine mp3-formatted CDs loaded with the same 90 hours of recordings. *After your order is completed, we will send you a follow up email for the name of the school/library of your choice.*

Civil Rights 2: Cornel West; Odetta; Blues Legacies and Black Feminism; W.E.B. Du Bois: 100 Years of The Souls of Black Folk; Dick Gregory; Juneteenth Special; George Jackson and the Soledad Brothers; The Confessions of Nat Turner; Redefining Black Power in the Age of Obama

United States History 2: Plain Speaking: A Counter History of the United States; George Carlin; A Passel of Pomp and a Circus of Circumstance aEU" documentary on the history of political conventions in the U.S.; Richard Nixon; The Real Norma Rae: Crystal Lee Sutton

Arts and Literature 2: The Village Gate; Shakespeare: This Was a Man; The Ballad of Pete Seeger; The Beat Poets of San Francisco; Science Fiction: The Final Frontier with Ray Bradbury; Lillian Hellman: American Playwright; They Remember Dvorak Black Power:

Black Power: Bobby Seale, Huey Newton; H. Rap Brown, Stokely Carmichael, Eldridge Cleaver; Kathleen Cleaver and Elaine Brown; Police Actions; Trials/Tribulations; Angela Davis, Bobby Seale, and the Revolution for Breakfast; Rosa Parks, James Baldwin, Bayard Rustin and Malcolm X, Fannie Lou Hamer; Angela Davis, Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, Kwame Toure, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Huey Newton, Eldridge Cleaver, H. Rap Brown, Leroi Jones, John Hope Franklin

Science: On the Role of Science / Aldous Huxley; Fallout and Disarmament / Linus Pauling and Edward Teller; Charles Darwin; Analogy and Science / J. Robert Oppenheimer; On Nuclear Morality / Bertrand Russell; Blacks In Science; Progress Through Fear / Buckminster Fuller

Native American Studies: John Trudell; Winona LaDuke; Alcatraz Panel with Indians from Various Tribes; Benefit for the Indians on Alcatraz with Malvina Reynolds and Buffy Sainte-Marie; Russell Means; Dennis Banks; Jack Forbes; Songs of Northern California Indians: Jaime de Angulo

Latino/Chicano Studies: Dolores Huerta; Resistance of the Maya; Flor Del Pueblo: Music of Resistance in Latin America; Carlos Castaneda and Lila Downs; The Delano Grape Strike: Cesar Chavez; La Raza Nueva with Moctesuma Esparza; CherrAe Moraga; Siqueiros: Political Artist; United Mexican-American Students Symposium at UCLA; Reies Tijerina: Leader of the Alianza From the Vault:

Gay and Lesbian Studies: 1979 March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Rights; Quentin Crisp; Christopher Isherwood; The Gay Movement from 1969-1979; The Harvey Milk Story; Time Line: Important Gay History; Transsexuals and the Police; Bisexuality From the Vault:

Great Voices on Radio: Gore Vidal aEU" 14 Feb 1994; Jessica Mitford aEU" 30 June 1960; Dylan Thomas aEU" 7 May 1953; June Jordan aEU" March 1991; Edward Said aEU" 20 Feb 2003; Stokely Carmichael aEU" Feb 1968; Cesar Chavez aEU" 15 Jan 1966; Mario Savio aEU" March 1979; Norman Mailer aEU" 21 May 1965; Angela Davis aEU" 1972; Molly Ivins aEU" Aug 1992

Original tape box image: 
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Los Angeles, CA: Pacifica Radio Archives
Rights Summary: 
The rights link for this recording contains the default rights text.
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