Renowned historian Howard Zinn on the history of government and media lies in time of war: from the Mexican-American war to the Spanish-American war, the Philippines to Panama, Vietnam to the Gulf War to the present.; Over a hundred thousand people are expected to protest in Manhattan this Saturday despite the banning of a march: the Federal Second District Court of Appeals yesterday upheld the ban.; Iraq Journal: the Vatican sends an envoy to Baghdad to avert war.
9:00-9:01 Billboard 9:01-9:06 Headlines: Iraq Journal Pope John Paul II's senior advisor, Cardinal Roger Etchegaray, has arrived in Baghdad for meetings with senior Iraqi leaders. Last night, he presided over a mass at St. Joseph's church in central Baghdad. Democracy Now! Correspondent Jeremy Scahill was there. Tape: Iraq Journal, with Jeremy Scahill reporting in Baghdad 9:06-9:07 One Minute Music Break 9:07-9:20: Millions of people on five continents are expected to protest against war in Iraq on Saturday. From Antarctica to the Pacific Islands, hundreds of cities in sixty countries will be holding events. The list of rallies, vigils and marches continues to grow. According to today s Guardian of London, the list currently includes more than 300 cities in Europe and North America, 50 in Asia and Latin America, 10 in Africa and 20 in Australia and Oceania. But in Manhattan yesterday, the Federal Second District Court of Appeals upheld a ban on the march in Manhattan on Saturday. Organizers are moving forward with plans for a massive, legal peace rally that day. It will take place on First Avenue stretching north from 49th Street. Guest: Leslie Cagan, organizer with United for Peace and Justice and chair of the Pacifica Radio Foundation Contact:, Guest: Michael Ratner, human rights lawyer and president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, 9:20-9:21 One Minute Music Break 9:21-9:40: We go now to historian Howard Zinn. Howard Zinn is a historian and professor emeritus of political science at Boston University. He is the author of fourteen books, including A People's History of the United States, and You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train. He talks about the history of government propaganda as well as mainstream media propaganda in times of war. This is professor Howard Zinn. Tape: Howard Zinn, a professor emeritus of political science at Boston University and the author of 14 books, including A People's History of the United States, Postwar America, and You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train. He spoke Tuesday night at the New School in New York City. 9:40-9:41 One-Minute Music Break 9:41-9:58 Zinn, Continued 9:58-9:59 Outro and Credits Democracy Now! is produced by Kris Abrams, Mike Burke, Angie Karran, Ana Nogiera and Alex Wolfe. Mike Di Filippo is our engineer and webmaster.