Dissent in the Capitol: As Washington prepares for war with Iraq we hear voices of peace from the floor of Congress; Anti-war protests & arrests continue in Washington & New York; The journey from torture to truth: A discussion on terror with Chilean writer Ariel Dorfman and Sister Dianna Ortiz, an American nun tortured by U.S.-backed Guatemalan security forces
9:00-9:01 Billboard 9:01-9:06 Headlines 9:06-9:07 One Minute Music Break 9:07-9:20: The House of Representatives is scheduled to vote today after over 24 hours of debate that continued into early this morning. More than 100 House members are expected to oppose the measure. A vote in the Democratic-controlled Senate could be delayed by threats of a filibuster by an opponent of war, Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV). Today we will hear from John Lewis (D-GA) and Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), two members of Congress who oppose President Bush s war resolution. Tape: Congressman John Lewis (D-GA), former chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). He has served Georgia s Fifth Congressional District since 1986. Tape: Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), the most senior Democratic woman in Congress. She played a leadership role in the Middle East Peace process and was a leading opponent of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Links: Congressman John Lewis (D-GA): http://www.house.gov/johnlewis/ Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH): http://www.house.gov/kaptur/index.shtml 9:21-9:26: On Wednesday, 13 people were arrested for blocking an entrance to the Capitol. In New York, 14 anti-war activists were arrested outside the local office of Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY). The protesters were picked up before they even entered Clinton s office. Among them was Carmen Trotta of Catholic Worker. Guest: Carmen Trotta, arrested outside Sen. Hillary Clinton s office. 9:26-9:29: Listeners continue to call our war and peace comment line to share their thoughts during this time of militarism and to tell us what they're doing about it. What do you think? Call us at 212-209-2999. 9:29-9:40: As the United States prepares to expand its war on terror into Iraq, we ll discuss the meaning of terror with Chilean writer Ariel Dorfman and torture survivor Sister Dianna Ortiz. In 1989, Sister Dianna Ortiz, an American nun, was abducted from the compound where she worked in Guatemala. Twenty-four hours later, she escaped, but within that brief period, her body had been burned with cigarettes, she'd been raped, beaten and forced to torture a woman who was already near death. In her new memoir The Blindfold s Eyes: My Journey from Torture to Truth, Ortiz writes about the real and remembered demons that she struggled with to heal herself and to spread the word about U.S. complicity in Guatemala's repressive political system and in the torture and murder of more than 150,000 Guatemalans. Ariel Dorfman was forced into exile from his homeland of Chile during the coup of U.S.-backed Augusto Pinochet. He was an aide to Salvador Allende., who died on September 11,1973 as the US backed General s forces overran the palace. In his newest book Exorcizing Terror: The Incredible Unending Trial of General Augusto Pinochet, Dorfman explores what role survivors play in struggling for a just world. Guest: Ariel Dorfman, Chilean author and poet Guest: Sister Dianna Ortiz, recently published The Blindfold s Eyes: My Journey from Torture to Truth, a memoir of her experience. 9:40-9:41 One Minute Music Break 9:41-9:58 THE JOURNEY FROM TORTURE TO TRUTH cont d 9:58-9:59 Outro and Credits