Program Title:
Explorations With Dr. Michio Kaku - December 19, 2000
Series Title:
PRA Archive #:
Explorations with Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics at the City University of New York, science program. Top News stories: Election of G.W. Bush as U.S. Pres., environmental concerns : air pollution standards for California reduced ? : formula now for how much killing results from particles in air : genome of first plant completed : Outer space, 3 more solar planets found, 50 total now : Russia, Chernobel nuclear power plant closed down. GUEST DR. ARTHUR UPGREN, co-author (with Jurgen Stock) of "Weather, how it works, why it matters." [Perseus Book Groups, 2000; ISBN 0738202940]
Date Recorded on:
December 19, 2000
Date Broadcast on:
December 19, 2000
Item duration:
60 min.
Los Angeles, Pacifica Radio Archive, 2000

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