Democracy Now! November 11, 1998

Program Title:
Democracy Now! November 11, 1998
Series Title:
PRA Archive #: 

Latest on Iraq-Nwe Gulf War Veterans Legislation; Gulf War Veterans Roundtable; LA Progressive Organizations

(14 Minutes) Latest on Iraq-New Golf War Veterans Legislation As the US beats its war drums on Baghdad, Gulf War veterans beat on gevernment doors for health benefits, and speak out against a US military strike on Iraq. GUEST: Eric Gustafson, Gulf War veteran and founder of Education for Peace in Iraq Center (EPIC). GUEST: Chris Kornkven, Gulf War veteran and president of the National Gulf War Resource Center, a coalition of 53 grass-roots Golf War veterans groups. (19 Minutes) Gulf War Veterans Roundtable We are now joined by other veterans of the war who are suffering from serious health problems as a result of being exposed to several toxins during the war. GUEST: Cassandra Garner, III Gulf War veteran. GUEST: Keith Boylan, Combat veteran of the Gulf War.

Date Recorded on: 
November 11, 1998
Date Broadcast on: 
November 11, 1998
Item duration: 
WPFW; Julie Drizin, Amy Goodman; November 11, 1998
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