Henry Hyde Scandal; Election Issues That Weren't; Mumia Abu Jamal; Mumia Commentary
(14 Minutes) Henry Hyde Scandal Last Monday on DN! we reported that House Judiciary Chariman Henry Hyde had hired a private eye to investigate Tim Anderson , an Illinois-based Independent Banking consultant who had been tracking Hyde's dubious role as a bank-board member in the failure of Clyde Federal Savings and Loan. Following our broadcast, in which we aired Dennis Bernstein's interview with Ernie Rizzo--the private investigator hired by Hyde to track Anderson --the Congressional Accountability Project called for a formal ethic investigation into Hyde. GUEST: Dennis Bernstein, host of Flashpoints (19 Minutes) Election Issues That Weren't a look at some of the issues not being discussed by candidates around the country during election 98. GUEST: John Berg, Dir. of Graduate Studies at the Government Department of Suffolk University. GUEST: Fran Teplitz, Policy Dir. at the Peace Action Education Fund in Washington DC. GUEST: Andrea Durbin, Dir. of the International Program at Friends of the Earth in DC. (17 Minutes) Mumia Abu Jamal Death Row prisoner Jamal's appeal for a new trial was denied Friday by the Pennsylvania State Supreme Court. Penn. Governor Tom Ridge has said he is ready to sign a new death warrant when that appeal was denied. GUEST: Leonard Weingalss, Jamal's lawyer. (10 Minutes) Mumia Commentary Commentary is from Mumia Abu Jamal's essay "A Bright Shining Hell" and is read by renown Perto Rican poet and performer GUEST: Piri Thomas