House Hearings On Lifting Sanctions Against Cuba, March 17, 1996

Program Title:
House Hearings On Lifting Sanctions Against Cuba, March 17, 1996
PRA Archive #: 

House Hearings On Lifting Sanctions Against Cuba, March 17, 1996| Produced by Pacifica Foundation. - CONTENT: Reel Nine| Dr. Julie Finesilver, Professor at American University and author of the book, Healing the Masses testifies that, "health should not be a political weapon." She argues that Cuba produces a number of pharmaceutucals, including vacines that are sold all over the world. Bernard Evers Pres, CEO of LDDS argues for continuing phone service to Cuba. Randolph Lum of AT&T says he does not take a stand on either way, Americans must get an appointment to talk to Cubans. Discussion follows about telecommunications with Cuba. Irene Filipe, an economist who testifies about working with Cubans to improve their way of life and bring profit to the US. - Broadcast on March 17, 1996.

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