House Hearings On Lifting Sanctions Against Cuba, March 17, 1994

Program Title:
House Hearings On Lifting Sanctions Against Cuba, March 17, 1994
PRA Archive #: 

House Hearings On Lifting Sanctions Against Cuba, March 17, 1994| Produced by Pacifica Foundation. - CONTENT: Reel Two| Congressman Rangel reads the list of who will speak| Senator Robert Graham begins by thanking the chair, and argues that most Cubans want the embargo maintained and are willing to make sacrifices to assist in Fidel Castro's fall, focuses on the Vietnam concept| Senator Kopesky of Oregon speaks and sites the Mennonite report, and asserts that Castro doesn't want the embargo to end and that communism will fall once exposed to capitalism| Rep. George Miller from California speaks about his support of the end of the embargo| Rep. Edward Torrey of California claims that the US can inquire into all aspects of Cuba's activitiesand the embargo helps Castro stay in power| Rep. Robert Tocellci speaks and argues that the embargo is effective| Rep. Lillian Ross Layton of Florida argues that human rights violations are rampant and Castro only goal is to maintain control of Cuba| Rep. Jose Serrano of New York states that the embargo is a double standard. - Broadcast on March 17, 1994.

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