Democracy Now : June 4 : Alabama Primary. Puerto Rican Tax Breaks. School Prayer/satire

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Democracy Now : June 4 : Alabama Primary. Puerto Rican Tax Breaks. School Prayer/satire
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DEMOCRACY NOW : JUNE 4 / ALABAMA PRIMARY. PUERTO RICAN TAX BREAKS. SCHOOL PRAYER- SATIRE / Pacifica Foundation| produced by Julie Drizin and Amy Goodman| hosted by Amy Goodman. - A daily election program which takes an in-depth look at the political landscape and interviews visionaries from all walks of life, including members of grassroots organizastions, who challenge the status quo. - CONTENT: pt.1. Political headlines (3:00) - pt.2. Reporter Dennis Bernstein from KPFK in Berkeley reports on the Tuesday's Alabama Primary and Republican Attorney General, Jeff Sessions who wants to replace retiring Senator Howell Heflin (17:00) -- pt.3. Juan Gonzalez reports on the Puerto Rican tax breaks| guest Celeste Benitez, President of the Popular Democratic Party, - Pt.3. PUERTO RICAN TAX BREAKS...A LIFELINE TO PUERTO RICANS OR CORPROATE WELFARE FOR U.S. BUSINESSES. One of the most heated elements in the relationship between Puerto Rico and the U.S. federal government is something called Secvtion 936 of the IRS tax code which gives generous tax benefits to U.S. companies that set up in Puerto Rico. But some in Washington say its cororate welfare. The House just passed a law repealing Section 936 and the Senate will consider the issue in the next two weeks. GUEST JUAN GONZALEZ, CELESTE BENITEZ, president of the Popular Democratic Party, the islands first opposition party. She is also a 1996 candidate for the "Resident Commissioner", Puerto Rico's delegate to the U.S. Congress. Benitez favors keeping Section 936 and maintaining Puerto Rico's status as a Commonwealth. FOLLOWED BY CARLOS ROMERO-BARCELO, longtime political leader and current member of Congress from Puerto Rico, now in his second term. His "New Progressive Party" which is in power in Puerto Rico favors statehood and supports conditional repeal of Section 936. Pt.4. SCHOOL PRAYER/SATIRE. A Mississippi school district is likely to appeal a court decision banning school prayer. On Monday, a fedral jusge ruled that the Pototoc County School System's fifty year tradition of bible study classes and prayers over the intercom is unconstitutional. The ruling stems from a 1994 lawsuit filed by the ACLU and Lisa Herdahl, a Lutheran mother whose children were being harassed and threatened for challenging them for their religious beliefs in the largely Southern Baptist community. TAPE OF HERDAHL :26 q: "without schools help". The subject of school prayer is likely to rear its head again in this election year. Both Clinton and Bob Dole support some kind of voluntary school prayer or a moment of silent reflection. Satire from the Study Beggars Comedy Duo of Pennylvania. Pt.5. This past weekend, 300 people gathered in Oakland, California for the founding convention of the Alameda County Progressive Alliance, wh

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