NY Torture; India/Pakistan Independence; US Policy and Albania
(9 Minutes) NY Torture Update on NY police department after allegations by Abner Louima that officers beat and sodomized him. GUEST: Abner Louima, alleged victim of beating. GUEST: Dr. Jean Claude Compas, personal physician of Abner Louima. GUEST: Mrs. Vincent, worships at same church as Louima (24 Minutes) India/Pakistan Independence 50th anniversary of India/Pakistan Independence. TAPE OF: Jawaharlal Nehru, Tryst with Destiny speech, August 14, 1947. TAPE OF: Tony Benn, a British member of Parliament representing the ruling Labour Party. GUEST: Akeel Bligrami, chair of the philosophy dept. at Columbia University. GUEST: Amrita Basu, prof. of political science and women and gender studies at Amherst College. (17 Minutes) US Policy and Albania Human rights activists say that Albanians have been subjected to widespread military and police brutality. Albanian activists here in US charge US State Department covering up abuses. GUEST: Shirley Cloyes, Balkan affairs advisor to the Albanian American Civic League. GUEST: Joe Dioguardi, a former Congressman.