Democracy Now : February 21 : Detroit Strikers.abraham Lincoln Brigade

Program Title:
Democracy Now : February 21 : Detroit Strikers.abraham Lincoln Brigade
PRA Archive #: 

Democracy Now : February 21 : Detroit Strikers.abraham Lincoln Brigade / Pacifica Foundation| Produced by Julie Drizin and Amy Goodman| hosted by Amy Goodman. - CONTENT: pt.1. Political headlines (3:00)-- pt.2. Detroit Strikers| end of the strike in Detroit| guest Bob Ourlain, reporter and Sean Ellis, a driver (16:00) -- pt.3. Abraham Lincoln Brigade| 60th anniversary of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, an all volunteer force of 3,200 Americans who served and fought on the side of the Spanish Republic back in the 1930's. More than 1,500 were killed and scores more were wounded| guest Ruth Davidow, a volunteer nurse during the war and David Smith, a volunteer soldier (5:00) -- pt.4. More on the Lincoln Brigade (19:00) -- pt.5. Police brutality and Malcolm X| anniversary of Malcolm X's death in New York| tape of Malcolm X| guests Dorothy Urquhart, from Christians at Work and Maurice Saalakhan, of the Peace and Justice foundation (17:00) - Broadcast on February 21, 1997.

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