Democracy Now : February 20 : Welfare Debate.death Of Deng Xiaopeng

Program Title:
Democracy Now : February 20 : Welfare Debate.death Of Deng Xiaopeng
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DEMOCRACY NOW : FEBRUARY 20 : WELFARE DEBATE. DEATH OF DENG XIAOPENG / Pacifica Foundation| Produced by Julie Drizin and Amy Goodman| hosted by Amy Goodman. - CONTENT: pt.1. Political headlines (3:00) -- pt.2. Welfare Debate| President Clinton was in Harlem, New York for a round table discussion which centered on welfare| tape of Earl Graves, the chief executive officer of Black Enterprise magazine at the discussion| tape of President Clinton at the discussion and Nilda Roman, a welfare worker in New York City (16:00)-- pt.3. The death of Deng Xiaopeng, leader of China's ruling communist party| overview of Xiaopeng's life and the recent developments in China| guests Annette Rubinstein, literary historian who taught in China and Yu Maochuen, professor of Chinese History at the US Naval Academy in Maryland (19:00)-- pt.4. Needle exchange| look at how the Clinton administration refuses to allow Federal financial support for needle exchange programs, despite the fact that all major studies say it would reduce the number of HIV infections| guest Denise Paone, Chief Investigator of the New York City Syringe Exchange Evaluation and Ann Clear, the executive director of the Harm Reduction Coalition. (17:00) - Broadcast on February 20, 1997.

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