Democracy Now : February 19 : Electronic Surveillance.colombia

Program Title:
Democracy Now : February 19 : Electronic Surveillance.colombia
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DEMOCRACY NOW : FEBRUARY 19 : ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE. COLOMBIA / Pacifica Foundation| Produced by Julie Drizin and Amy Goodman| hosted by Amy Goodman. - CONTENT: pt.1. Political headlines (3:00)-- pt.2. Electronic surveillance| a look at the cellular phone industry and their new power to monitor more tha 100,000 calls simaltaneously| guest David Sobel, the legal counsel for the Electronic Privacy Information Center, (EPIC) and Nicky Hager, a researcher and writer in Wellington, New Zealand and wuthor of the book, Secret Power| New Zealand's Role in the International Spy Network (19:00)--pt.3. Colombia| the Clinton Administration is threatening to de-certify Colombia next month which could lead to sanctions| guest Michael Mogensen, of Peace Brigades International. (17:00) - Broadcast on February 19, 1997.

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