Democracy Now : Feb 19 : Race In New Hampshire / Pacifica Foundation| produced by Julie Drizin| hosted and produced by Amy Goodman. - A daily election year program which takes an in-depth look at the political landscape and interviews visionaries from all walks of life, including grassroots organizations, who challenge the status quo. - CONTENT: pt.1. Live free or die, a look at the political terrain in New Hampshire (18:00) -- pt.2. Race in New Hampshire / Salim Muwakkil co-hosts (19:00) -- pt.3. Money talks / Larry Bensky interviews Jeffrey Klein, editor of Mother Jones (18:00). - BROADCAST: Satellite, 19 Feb 1996.|DEMOCRACY NOW : MAR 4 : MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY CONGRESS / Pacifica Foundation| produced by Julie Drizin| hosted and produced by Amy Goodman. - A daily election year program which takes an in-depth look at the political landscape and interviews visionaries from all walks of life, including grassroots organizations, who challenge the status quo. - CONTENT: pt.1. Soft money and political campaigns : interview with Ellen Miller from the Center for Responsive Politics (19:00) -- pt.2. Media and Democracy Congress: panel discussion on 'Visions for a Democratic Future'(19:00) -- pt.3. Interview with Loretta Ross, grassroots anti-racism activist (17:00). - BROADCAST: Satellite, 4 Mar 1996.