Program of panel discussions, listener call-ins and special reports which examines the history and problems with Third parties in national United States politics.
r.1. Brief history of Third Parties / reported by Mike Alcalay ; How a Third Party might succeed / Ron Walters ; The Existing one party system / Gordon Black ; Examples of viable Third Parties / Ron Walters ; The New Party / Sandy Pope ; How to change the system / Gordon Black ; Wealth and power as the status quo / commentary by Phillip Taylor ; The Electoral College / Ron Walters and Gordon Black ; Representation and taxation / Josh Williams and Gordon Black ; Racism and parties / Ron Walters, Sandy Pope and Larry Bensky (60 min.) -- r.2. Campaign reform / reported by Verna Avery ; Campaign finances / William Greider and Steve Schwamm ; Class consciousness in the electoral process / Rebecca Walker ; How do people get information about elections / Rebecca Walker and Bill Greider ; Term limits for elected officials / Steve Schwamm, William Greider and Ron Walters ; Need for campaign reforms / Steve Schwamm ; Monied interests in the political process / William Greider and Rebecca Walker ; Making the electoral process more responsive to the voter / William Greider, Ron Walters, Rebecca Walker, Larry Bensky ; Responsive government / Ron Walters and Steve Schwamm ; Responsive citizenry / Rebecca Walker (60 min.).