Live coverage of the Senate hearings into the role of drug smuggling in Noriega's rule in Panama, and the actions of the United States in Panama.
r.1. Contragate coverage of the Kerry hearings : summary of day 2 / reported by Robert Knight, Dennis Bernstein and Peter Schinkel (30:00) ; Introduction of the day's hearings / Larry Bensky (5:00) ; Reading of New York Times opinion-editorial : loss of civil liberties and costs of enforcing anti-drug policies / David Boaz ; read by Larry Bensky (6:10) ; Reading of a paper / by Ted Gaylan Carpenter ; read by Larry Bensky (7:50) ; Executive Director of Citizens for Reagan / Peter Flaherty ; interviewed by Larry Bensky (10:30) ; Quotation for Out of Control / by Alexander Cockburn ; Larry Bensky (2:15) ; Kerry convene's the day's session (4:15) -- r.2. The need to attack drug smugglers / D'Amato (9:00) ; The latest on Noriega and Panama / Kerry (8:00) ; Cuban influence in Panama / D'Amato (1:50) ; Ramon Milian Rodreguiz testimony. Mediline Cartel's money launderer introduced (2:10) ; Flow of drugs controlled by Cartel (5:20) ; Corruption of Central and South American countries (8:10) ; Techniques of money laundering (21:20) ; Description of Mediline Cartel as a "going concern" 6:00) ; Kerry and D'Amato statement of lack of government interest in the knowledge of Milian Rodreguiz (4:40) -- r.3. Ramon Milian Rodreguiz testimony, conclusion. Interrelation of drugs, governments and the military in Latin America (7:10) ; Compromized Latin American governments (4:20) ; People he dealt with (4:00) ; Summary / Larry Bensky (27:00) ; Michael Palmer testimony. His start in smuggling (9:40) ; Affiliation with Jerry Carol and Michael Vogel (10:10) ; Begisn CIA affiliated undercover work (2:20) ; Registration and ownership of a DC-6 (2:20) -- r.4. Michael Palmer testimony, continued. Discussion of DC-6 ownership and association with Vortex (30:20) ; Smuggling arrest of Palmer : turning over a new leaf (9:40) ; Summary / Larry Bensky (4:30) ; Discussion of Palmer testimony / Leslie Cockburn (19:40) ; Summary of Christic Institute court case / Sarah Nelson (2:50) -- r.5. (Missing) -- r.6. Michael Palmer testimony, continued. DEA cooperation in Vortex's arms flights to Nicaragua (11:30) ; Describe DC-6 flight from Columbia to Detroit : DEA and Vortex (12:15) ; DC-6 photo analysis (25:15) ; Palmer's opinion of Vogel (9:00) ; Summary of drug enforcement problems / Kerry (2:40) ; Palmer testimony, continued. On use of his own money because CIA does not have access to tax dollars to buy equipment (4:20) -- r.7. Michael Palmer testimony, conclusion. Examination of the purpose of Palmer's testimony (3:15) ; Palmer's attorney debates with Kerry about the public view of Palmer because of the hearings (7:30) ; Summary of the day's testimony / Larry Bensky (16:45) ; Created quote of Ronald Reagan admitting to Contra-drug deal (1:30).
r.1. Contragate coverage of the Kerry hearings : summary of day 2 / reported by Robert Knight, Dennis Bernstein and Peter Schinkel (30:00) ; Introduction of the day's hearings / Larry Bensky (5:00) ; Reading of New York Times opinion-editorial : loss of civil liberties and costs of enforcing anti-drug policies / David Boaz ; read by Larry Bensky (6:10) ; Reading of a paper / by Ted Gaylan Carpenter ; read by Larry Bensky (7:50) ; Executive Director of Citizens for Reagan / Peter Flaherty ; interviewed by Larry Bensky (10:30) ; Quotation for Out of Control / by Alexander Cockburn ; Larry Bensky (2:15) ; Kerry convene's the day's session (4:15) -- r.2. The need to attack drug smugglers / D'Amato (9:00) ; The latest on Noriega and Panama / Kerry (8:00) ; Cuban influence in Panama / D'Amato (1:50) ; Ramon Milian Rodreguiz testimony. Mediline Cartel's money launderer introduced (2:10) ; Flow of drugs controlled by Cartel (5:20) ; Corruption of Central and South American countries (8:10) ; Techniques of money laundering (21:20) ; Description of Mediline Cartel as a "going concern" 6:00) ; Kerry and D'Amato statement of lack of government interest in the knowledge of Milian Rodreguiz (4:40) -- r.3. Ramon Milian Rodreguiz testimony, conclusion. Interrelation of drugs, governments and the military in Latin America (7:10) ; Compromized Latin American governments (4:20) ; People he dealt with (4:00) ; Summary / Larry Bensky (27:00) ; Michael Palmer testimony. His start in smuggling (9:40) ; Affiliation with Jerry Carol and Michael Vogel (10:10) ; Begisn CIA affiliated undercover work (2:20) ; Registration and ownership of a DC-6 (2:20) -- r.4. Michael Palmer testimony, continued. Discussion of DC-6 ownership and association with Vortex (30:20) ; Smuggling arrest of Palmer : turning over a new leaf (9:40) ; Summary / Larry Bensky (4:30) ; Discussion of Palmer testimony / Leslie Cockburn (19:40) ; Summary of Christic Institute court case / Sarah Nelson (2:50) -- r.5. (Missing) -- r.6. Michael Palmer testimony, continued. DEA cooperation in Vortex's arms flights to Nicaragua (11:30) ; Describe DC-6 flight from Columbia to Detroit : DEA and Vortex (12:15) ; DC-6 photo analysis (25:15) ; Palmer's opinion of Vogel (9:00) ; Summary of drug enforcement problems / Kerry (2:40) ; Palmer testimony, continued. On use of his own money because CIA does not have access to tax dollars to buy equipment (4:20) -- r.7. Michael Palmer testimony, conclusion. Examination of the purpose of Palmer's testimony (3:15) ; Palmer's attorney debates with Kerry about the public view of Palmer because of the hearings (7:30) ; Summary of the day's testimony / Larry Bensky (16:45) ; Created quote of Ronald Reagan admitting to Contra-drug deal (1:30).