Live coverage of the Senate hearings into the role of drug smuggling in Noriega's rule in Panama, and the actions of the United States in Panama.
r.1. Summary of the previous Kerry hearings which focussed upon Noriega / Larry Bensky (28:00) ; Interview with Peter Dale Scott on narco-terrorism / interviewed by Larry Bensky (15:00) ; Interview with Peter Kornbluth of the National Security Archives on committee member relations / interviewed by Larry Bensky (4:40) ; Opening comments by chair of the hearings, Senator John F. Kerry (1:20) -- r.2. Opening comments by Senator Kerry (10:00) ; Senator Alfonz D'Amato statement (9:00) ; Jose Blandon's opening statement (8:20) ; Jose Blandon questioned by D'Amato and Kerry on U.S. policy since previous hearings (9:20) ; D'Amato statement (14:20) ; Continued U.S.-Noriega relations (6:40) ; Potential reaction of Panamanians if Noriega stays in power (3:00) ; Mediline Cartel (5:40) -- r.3. Questioning of Jose Blandon, continued. Noriega supplying arms to Central America (3:00) ; Drug smuggling in Honuras (6:00) ; Contra resupply and drugs (5:15) ; Noriega and Japan (2:05) ; Recess, Bensky summary (12:20) ; D'Amato statement (4:50) ; Kerry statement on method of testimony (4:50) ; Panamanian Ambassador to the U.S. verifies Noriega letter (1:10) ; Blandon continues. Noriega's Japanese connection (10:30) ; Laundering monies, the Cartel, and Ramon Rodriguez (10:30) ; Desire of Mediline Cartel to get rid of Noriega (5:00) -- r.4. Jose Blandon testimony, conclusion. The Mediline Cartel in Panama (3:40) ; D'Amato statement on leaking information (2:20) ; Kerry statement on lack of debriefing of Blandon by U.S. officials (2:10) ; Closing Blandon statement (9:50) ; Testimony of ambassador Francis McNeil. Background and experience (6:00) ; Mediline Cartel and U.S. policy (3:40) ; U.S. Noriega policy (13:35) ; North and Casey in Central America (4:05) ; McNeils evaluation of mixed signals by U.S. to Central America (1:10) ; Lunch recess -- r.5. Larry Bensky summarizes morning testimony (6:00) ; Interview with journalist Martin Lee / Larry Bensky (13:00) ; Recap of morning testimony / Larry Bensky (6:45) ; Ambassador Francis McNeal's testimony continued. Noriega, Nicaragua and U.S. foreign policy (11:00) ; General Buesso Rosa's attempted assassination of Honduran President (17:30) ; D'Amato statement (4:30) ; Rosa Story continued (3:45) ; Kerry reads sections of Mark Richard's testimony about Abrams' role with Ross (1:15) -- r.6. Francis McNeal testimony, conclusion. Bueso Rosa and the State Department (1:00) ; The Triangle trade in Central America (9:00) ; Meeting John Hull (2:00) ; McNeil's actions in finding drug traffickers (7:00) ; The Nicaraguan sting and Barry Seal (4:00) ; D'Amato statement (6:35) ; Kerry summary of hearings (3:45) ; Close of the day's session / Larry Bensky (2:20) ; Jane Hunter on the Israeli "cut-out" in Panama / interviewed by Larry Bensky (5:10) ; Mattison on the hearings / interviewed by Larry Bensky (10:30) ; Robert Knight on Jose Blandon / interviewed by Larry Bensky (6:00).