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Campus Campaign Audio Encyclopedia

Duplication cost + Shipping: $300
Collection Title:
Campus Campaign Audio Encyclopedia
PRA Archive #: 

Item: 16 GB Jump Drive + 4 GB Jump Drive / MP3 format audio files

Running time: 460 hours

This comprehensive collection consists of Campus Campaign Volumes 1-5 - totaling 460 hours of original Pacifica programming, presented in a mix 59-minute radio documentaries (From the Vault episodes) and original uncut recordings.  By far the most comprehensive and expansive compilation ever produced by Pacifica Radio for its listeners, the Campus Campaign Audio Encyclopedia features an astonishing array of meticulously-restored recordings covering dozens of subjects and hundreds of historic voices.  Voices include Jim Morrison, Noam Chomsky, Audre Lorde, Maya Angelou, Jimmy Hendrix, Allen Ginsberg, Alice Walker, Edward Said, Ray Bradbury, Martin Luther King, Jr., Alan Watts, John and Alice Coltrane, James Baldwin, George Carlin, Kurt Vonnegut, Gore Vidal, Henry Miller, Paul Robeson, Marian McPartland, Malcolm X, June Jordan, Gwendolyn Brooks, Adrienne Rich, Sun Ra and many, many more.

Campus Campaign Volume One

Civil Rights: James Baldwin; We Shall Overcome (civil rights documentary); Freedom Now! (civil rights documentary); Remembering Cesar Chavez; A Feminist Journey; Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.; Forty Years of Ossie Davis; The Power of African American Women

United States History: An American Soldier; George Carlin, Pacifica, and the F.C.C.; The Free Speech Movement; Rachel Carson and Silent Spring; Meet Ralph Nader; Gore Vidal; Upton Sinclair: Changing America; Betty Friedan

Arts and Literature: Allen Ginsberg's Howl; film critic Pauline Kael; Henry Miller; Jim Morrison, Poet; The Coltrane Legacy; Women in Film; Kurt Vonnegut; Woody Guthrie: Better World a Comin'; French Filmmaker Jean Renoir; Hitchcock and Hollywood

1968 - 40th Anniversary: Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 1968; The 1968 Columbia University Student Strike; The Paris Student Uprising; The Poor People's Campaign; The Mexican American Experience; Robert F. Kennedy; A Night in Chicago: 1968 DNC; 1968 Year in Review Documentary

Women's Studies: Margaret Mead -Anthropologist; Emma Goldman; June Jordan; Helen Caldicott; Women's Poetry and Prose; Molly Ivins; Dolores Huerta; Women of the World; Miriam Makeba Tribute; Bella Abzug

Environment: Global Meltdown; Hiroshima; Rachel Carson; No Nukes Reunion; Spinning Disaster; Helen Caldicott; Linus Pauling;  Edward Teller

The Malcolm X Collection: The Ballot or the Bullet (Detroit, 1964); Black Muslims vs. The Sit-ins (Malcolm X and James Baldwin, 1961); Prospects for Freedom (Militant Labor Forum, 1965); Friends and Enemies, (February, 1965); Speech on the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party (Atlantic City, 1964); John Henrik Clarke on Malcolm X

Noam Chomsky Celebration: The Crisis in Iraq: Understanding U.S. Motives Behind Sanctions and Confrontation (Boston, 1999); Speech on US. Foreign Policy and Its Effects (1998); The Media and the New World Disorder (1993); The New World Order (1991); Veteran's Day with Noam Chomsky (1991); The Media as Propaganda (Santa Barbara, 1988); Town Hall Against the Draft / Noam Chomsky and Robert Bly (New York City, 1968); Noam Chomsky on the Middle East (1975); The Drift Toward Global War (Minneapolis, 1985)

Studs Terkel: The Spoken Century: Studs Terkel: The Spoken Century - a documenatry; Dorothy Parker, Zero Mostel, Leonard Bernstein, Daniel Ellsberg and Ralph Ellison interviewed by Studs Terkel; Phil Ochs interviewed by Studs Terkel; Joseph Campbell interviewed by Studs Terkel; Simone de Beauvoir interviewed by Studs Terkel; Studs in Conversation with Tim Robbins, 1999; Studs visits Pacifica Radio Archives in 2003

Campus Campaign Volume Two

Civil Rights 2: Cornel West; Odetta; Blues Legacies and Black Feminism; W.E.B. Du Bois: 100 Years of The Souls of Black Folk; Dick Gregory; Juneteenth Special; George Jackson and the Soledad Brothers; The Confessions of Nat Turner; Redefining Black Power in the Age of Obama

United States History 2: Plain Speaking: A Counter History of the United States; George Carlin; A Passel of Pomp and a Circus of Circumstance - documentary on the history of political conventions in the U.S.; Richard Nixon; The Real Norma Rae: Crystal Lee Sutton

Arts and Literature 2: The Village Gate; Shakespeare: This Was a Man; The Ballad of Pete Seeger; The Beat Poets of San Francisco; Science Fiction: The Final Frontier with Ray Bradbury; Lillian Hellman: American Playwright; They Remember Dvorak

Black Power: The Black Panther Party: Bobby Seale, Huey Newton; H. Rap Brown, Stokely Carmichael, Eldridge Cleaver; Kathleen Cleaver and Elaine Brown; Police Actions; Trials/Tribulations; Angela Davis, Bobby Seale, and the Revolution for Breakfast; Rosa Parks, James Baldwin, Bayard Rustin and Malcolm X, Fannie Lou Hamer; Angela Davis, Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, Kwame Toure, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Huey Newton, Eldridge Cleaver, H. Rap Brown, Leroi Jones, John Hope Franklin

Science: On the Role of Science / Aldous Huxley; Fallout and Disarmament / Linus Pauling and Edward Teller; Charles Darwin; Analogy and Science / J. Robert Oppenheimer; On Nuclear Morality / Bertrand Russell; Blacks In Science; Progress Through Fear / Buckminster Fuller

Native American Studies: John Trudell; Winona LaDuke; Alcatraz Panel with Indians from Various Tribes; Benefit for the Indians on Alcatraz with Malvina Reynolds and Buffy Sainte-Marie; Russell Means; Dennis Banks; Jack Forbes; Songs of Northern California Indians: Jaime de Angulo

Latino/Chicano Studies: Dolores Huerta; Resistance of the Maya; Flor Del Pueblo: Music of Resistance in Latin America; Carlos Castaneda and Lila Downs; The Delano Grape Strike: Cesar Chavez; La Raza Nueva with Moctesuma Esparza; Cherrie Moraga; Siqueiros: Political Artist; United Mexican-American Students Symposium at UCLA; Reies Tijerina: Leader of the Alianza

From the Vault: Gay and Lesbian Studies: 1979 March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Rights; Quentin Crisp; Christopher Isherwood; The Gay Movement from 1969-1979; The Harvey Milk Story; Time Line: Important Gay History; Transsexuals and the Police; Bisexuality

From the Vault: Great Voices on Radio: Gore Vidal - 14 Feb 1994; Jessica Mitford - 30 June 1960; Dylan Thomas - 7 May 1953; June Jordan - March 1991; Edward Said - 20 Feb 2003; Stokely Carmichael - Feb 1968; Cesar Chavez - 15 Jan 1966; Mario Savio - March 1979; Norman Mailer - 21 May 1965; Angela Davis - 1972; Molly Ivins - Aug 1992

Campus Campaign Volume Three

Society at Large:Tim Robbins in Conversation with Studs Terkel; The Criminalization of Poverty; Pacifica's Labor Teach-in; Sister Helen Prejean and Death Row; Sacco and Vanzetti; Pacifica Radio in the United Kingdom; Crime and Capital Punishment; Gore Vidal - On the Eve of War; Ten-year 9-11 Restrospective

Science and Environment:Darwin; Tales of Whales; Jared Diamond - The Collapse of Civilizations; Dr. Helen Caldicott - If You Love This Planet; Pacifica's Nuclear Energy Teach-in; Wangari Maathai

Civil Rights:Edward Said; Martin Luther King, Jr.; The Reverend Ralph Abernathy; Manning Marable; The Freedom Riders' 50th Anniversary; The Japanese in California - 1959; Women Speak Out Against Fascism

Artists: John Lennon's 70th Birthday Celebration; Aldous Huxley; Women in Film 2; Toni Morrison, Walter Mosley, and Julius Lester; Sarah Vaughan and Esther Phillips; Jane Fonda; Master Class in Acting with Rod Steiger; Bob Fass with Bob Dylan, January 1966; Bob Dylan and Cynthia Gooding

Performances and Readings:Gwendolyn Brooks and LeRoi Jones; Dial-a-Poem; Aram Saroyan and Poetry; Women's Music and Poetry from the Coffeehouse; James Joyce's The Dead; James Thurber's The 13 Clocks; Halloween Fantasy: Vampires; The Body Snatcher by Robert Louis Stevenson; Laughter from the Left

Gays and Lesbians:Quentin Crisp, 1978; James Baldwin - The Free and the Brave; Robert Duncan; Jack Spicer; Audre Lorde; Harvey Fierstein and Charles S. Dutton: Actors in Conversation

Native Americans:Peggy Berryhill's Why Wounded Knee?; Ganienkeh - An Iroquois Tale; Geronimo Pratt; Malvina Reynolds and Buffy Sainte-Marie: A Benefit for the Indians on Alcatraz

Crime and Capital Punishment: The Coming Death of Caryl Chessman (1959), Meeting of the Minds - Steve Allen (1960), Death House Letters of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg (1967), The Legal Case Against the Death Penalty (1968), Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter (1978), The Immorality of the Death Penalty (1991), The $72 Solution - The Death Penalty (1991), Dead Man Walking - An Interview with Sister Helen Prejean (1993), The Legal Lynching of Mumia Abu-Jamal (1995), Democracy Now!: Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter (1998), Democracy Now!: Michael Moore on the Death Penalty (2011)

Pacifica Radio Teach-in - Nuclear Energy: Letters and Politics with Mitch Jeserich (KPFA), If You Love This Planet with Dr. Helen Caldicott (KPFT), Background Briefing with Ian Masters (KFPK), Asia Pacific Forum (WBAI), What's at Stake? with Verna Avery Brown and Esther Ivarem (WPFW), Thresholds with George Reiter (KPFT)

Pacifica Radio Teach-in - Labor and Unions: Labor rights and union-related programming from around Pacifica Radio Network plus historic selections from Pacifica Radio Archives - Letters and Politics with Mitch Jeserich (KPFA), Hardknock Radio (KPFA), Law and Disorder with Michael Ratner, Heidi Boghasian, and Michael Steven Smith (WBAI), Background Briefing with Ian Masters (KPFK), Truthdig with Robert Scheer  (KPFK), Jon Wiener (KPFK), Sojourner Truth (KPFK), Uprising Radio (KPFK), Metro Watch with Gloria Minott (WPFW), This is What Democracy Looks Like: Wisconsin's Worker Uprising (WORT - Madison, WI), Sprouts (Pacifica Affiliate Network), From the Vault: Pacifica Talks Union-1934 General Strike, Studs Terkel, Mother Jones, Sabina Virgo, Crystal Lee Sutton-the "real" Norma Rae, Upton Sinclair  (Pacifica Radio Archives)

Significant Recordings Recently Restored with Funding from the National Endowment from the Arts

Rita Mae Brown Interviewed by Kris Welch and Philip Maldari (1994), Inquest at Christiana (1968), Of Resistance, Disobedience and Objection: A Christmas Celebration (1971), Seneca's Oedipus (1978), Pete Seeger WBAI Marathon II (1969), Live at the Village Gate: Art Blakely and the Jazz Messengers (1977), Interview with Judy Chicago (1981), Our Sheroes and Heroes, Maya Angelou (1976), The Barretts of Bleecker Street / Jerry Stiller Ann Meara (1962)

Campus Campaign Volume Four

Wealth and Poverty

The Criminalization of Poverty / Sabina Virgo (1992 - FTV242)

Pacifica's Labor Teach-in (2011 - FTV257): 1934 San Francisco Waterfront Strike

Sacco and Vanzetti (1990 - FTV250): politicians and organized labor

Journalism and Law

Crime and Capital Punishment (1959 - FTV 283): Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter

Reproductive Rights (1982 - FTV328): Abortions - A Matter of Life and Death

Alexander Meiklejohn (1955 - FTV320): U.S. Constitutional Law

Pacifica's Coverage of the 1992 Los Angeles Uprising (1992 - FTV311)

The Art of Muckraking  (1962 - FTV297): Christopher Hitchins, Jessica Mitford, Alexander Cockburn

Women and Media in the Age of Obama (2012 - FTV304)


Sister Helen Prejean and Death Row (May 2000 - FTV280): Dead Man Walking

Who is Reverend Sun Myung Moon? (1975 - FTV331): cult figure-head in the U.S.

Rudy Gernreich, Fashion Icon (1971 - FTV327)

Gore Vidal Tribute (1966 - FTV325): features excerpts of several speeches and interviews

The 2012 Medal of Freedom: Morrison, Huerta, and Dylan (1968 - FTV316)

Howard Zinn: Virtual Optimism (1992 - FTV314)

Naomi Wolfe: The Beauty Myth (1991 - FTV313)

Female Beauty Rituals (1985 - FTV312): Beauty as seen through the eyes of a Martian reporter

Selma James (1974 - FTV308): feminist author

Laughter from the Left (2010 - FTV241): Lily Tomlin, George Carlin, Groucho Marx, Richard Pryor


The Nutcracker's Journery (2011 - FTV240): the creation of The Nutcracker Ballet

To All A Good Night (2012 - FTV293): drama, the history of Santa Claus

The Christmas Connection (1983 - FTV 292): Steve Allen and holiday adventures

Science and Environment:

Charles Darwin (1959 - FTV182): Julius and Aldous Huxley on Darwin's theories

Tales of Whales (20 Nov 1976 - FTV239): First Whale Day

Jared Diamond - The Collapse of Civilizations (1999 - FTV243)

Dr. Helen Caldicott - If You Love This Planet (1993 - FTV253)

Pacifica's Nuclear Energy Teach-in (2011 - FTV256): Lord Bertrand Russell, Linus Pauling, Edward Teller

Wangari Maathai (2011 - FTV281): Nobel Peace Prize recipient

Civil Rights

Martin Luther King, Jr.  (1957 - FTV244): The Power of Peaceful Persuasion / America's Chief Moral Dilemma

The Reverend Ralph Abernathy (18 Oct 1960 - FTV247)

Manning Marable (May 1993 - FTV260)

The Freedom Riders' 50th Anniversary (2011 - FTV263)

The Japanese in California, 1959 (FTV269): internment camps and life in them

Women Speak Out Against Fascism (1969 - FTV252): Elaine Brown and Marie W. Johnson

Redefining Black Power (2012 - FTV229): mass incarceration, role of black leadership

Gloria Steinem - 1997 Kennedy Lecture Series (1997 - FTV303)

Bayard Rustin Centennial Celebration (1960 - FTV305)


Tim Robbins in Conversation with Studs Terkel (Jan 2000 - FTV237)

Mark Twain (1959 - FTV307): a tour of his house!

Edward Said (2003 - FTV234): selected speeches

Aldous Huxley (1959 - FTV245): lecture

Toni Morrison, Walter Mosley, and Julius Lester (1981 - FTV282)

Ray Bradbury Memorial (1964 - FTV318)

Adrienne Rich Tribute (1969 - FTV309)

Rita Mae Brown, Feminist Author (1976 - FTV330)


John Lennon's 70th Birthday Celebration (2010 - FTV238)

Women in Film 2 (1968 - FTV251): Spring Byington and Una Merkel

Sarah Vaughan and Esther Phillips (1967 - FTV248)

Jane Fonda (1975 - FTV270)

Master Class in Acting with Rod Steiger (1967 - FTV264)

Bob Dylan on Pacifica Radio - The Complete Collection:

Introducing Bob Dylan (1962 - IZ0940)

Bob Fass with Bob Dylan (Jan 1966 - IZ1210a-b)

Bob Dylan and Cynthia Gooding (Mar 1962 - IZ1210a-b)

Bob Dylan Assorted Interviews (IZ1209)

Leonard Cohen, 1974 (1974 - FTV329)

Documentary Pioneers Albert and David Maysles (1971 - FTV326)

Radio Bloomsday (2012 - FTV317): Celebration of James Joyce's Ulysses

Jimmy Cliff (1975 - FTV332)

Two Painters: Van Gogh and Lichtenstein (1967 - FTV290)

Pacifica Radio in the United Kingdom (2011 - FTV266): Fela Kuti, Jack Nicholson, Arthur Miller

Harvey Fierstein and Charles S. Dutton: Actors in Conversation (1984 - FTV278)

Performances and Readings

*Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (complete reading, 40 hours)

To Be A Slave, Parts 1-3 / Julius Lester (1980 - FTV300, FTV301, FTV302): author reading

Gwendolyn Brooks and LeRoi Jones (1964 - FTV268)

Dial-a-Poem (1975 - FTV258): Anne Waldman, Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs

Aram Saroyan and Poetry (1950's - FTV259): Dylan Thomas, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Bukowski, Kerouac

Women's Music and Poetry from the Coffeehouse (1977 - FTV254): Alice Walker, Sharon Thompson

James Joyce's The Dead (FTV275): read by Geraldine Fitzgerald

James Thurber's The 13 Clocks (1969 - FTV279): dramatic radio adaptation

Halloween Fantasy: Vampires (1971 - FTV181): history of Count Dracula

The Body Snatcher (1971 - FTV284): Dudley Knight reads Robert Louis Stevenson

Songs of the Portuguese Revolution (1974 - FTV322)

Cello Master Class with Janos Starker (1971 - FTV321)

William Carlos Williams (1955 - FTV319): American poet

Trumpeter Donald Byrd (1987 - FTV315)

Poetry of Bukowski and Levertov (1962 - FTV310)

Freddie Hubbard Live at La Bastille Jazz Club (1973 - FTV298): trumpeter

Les Guerilleres: Feminist Radio Drama (1973 - FTV306): only recording of this in existence

Gays and Lesbians

Quentin Crisp (1978 - FTV246)

James Baldwin - The Free and the Brave (1963 - FTV249)

Robert Duncan (28 Oct 1969 - FTV271)

Jack Spicer (1965 - FTV273)

Audre Lorde (1980 - FTV276)

Native Americans

Peggy Berryhill's Why Wounded Knee? (1975 - FTV261)

Ganienkeh - An Iroquois Tale (1976 - FTV262)

In the Beginning: A Native American Woman's View (1985 - AZ0842)

Geronimo Pratt (1997 - FTV267)

Campus Campaign Volume 5

Campus Campaign Volume 5

Item: 4 GB Jump Drive / MP3 format audio files

Running time: 100+ hours

Campus Campaign Volume 5 features episodes of From the Vault and special selections from the Pacifica Radio Archives:

From the Vault: Season 8 and 9 (2013/2014) (50 hours)

These 59 minute documentaries are drawn from the past two seasons of Pacifica Radio Archives landmark national radio show "From the Vault," and feature newly restored recordings from a wide variety subjects.  Shows include:

Anais Nin Interviewed by Judy Chicago

A Retrospective on Radical Feminism

Woman to Woman: Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Germaine Greer at the National Press Club, 1971

Mind's Eye Theatre: Federico

William Saroyan, 1965

Women's Music & Poetry from the Coffeehouse

The Land of Green Ginger by Noel Langley

Hugh Masekela

Salome with Leonard Nimoy

Bobbee Zeno Tribute

Maya Angelou

Survival Sunday II - 35th Anniversary

Lady Day: Billie Holiday

The Coup d'Etat in Chile

Honor America Day

The Changing United Nations

Science Fiction Legend Philip K. Dick

The Ku Klux Klan, Race, and Prejudice in America

Sojourner Truth: Being a Sign Unto the People

Twenty Days in Santa Rita

Edward Said

Steve Post Tribute

The Great Wall of Los Angeles

Fanny - the All-female Rock 'n' Roll Band

Suffragette City

The Free Speech Movement - 50th Anniversary

Black Revolution and the White Backlash (1 hour)

David Suskind, Leroi Jones, Rube Dee, Charles Silberman, Paul Marshall, John Killens, James Wochster, Lorraine Hansberry and Ossie Davis discuss the social impact of the Civil Rights movement.

The Poet and the Poem: Rita Dove  (1 hour)

Rita Frances Dove is an American poet and author who, from 1993 to 1995, served as Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress.

Speech by Malcolm X on December 20th, 1964 (30 minutes)

Talk on the treatment accorded the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, headed by Fannie Lou Hamer, at the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, 1964.

Voices of a People's History of the United States (2 hours)

Dramatic readings from Voices of a People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn.  It features the voices of rebels, dissenters, and visionaries from our past and present, plus actors Danny Glover, Maria Bello, Josh Brolin, Leslie Silva, Marisa Tomei, Alfre Woodard, and Sandra Oh.  Narrated by Howard Zinn and Voices co-editor Anthony Arnove.  2005 and 2014 readings included.

White House Tapes (1 hour)

Live dramatic readings of the Nixon-Watergate transcripts as released by the President

Giants of Journalism (1 hour)

Featuring the voices of Gary Webb, Martha Honey, Peter Burton, and Robert Perry.

Dick Gregory (10 hours)

Dick Gregory is a comedian, social activist, and writer whose voice has been heard many times on Pacifica Radio's airwaves during the last six decades.  This collection of recordings from Pacifica Radio Archives follows Gregory's trajectory over the years, and showcases not only his incredible wit and humor, but also his deep insight and commitment to important social causes.

Amiri Baraka (10 Hours)

The late dramatist, novelist and poet Amiri Baraka is one of the most respected and widely-published African American writers.  With the beginning of the Black Civil Rights Movement during the Sixties, Baraka explored the anger of African Americans and used his writings as a weapon against racism.

Sun Ra (5 hours)

Sun Ra was a prolific jazz composer, bandleader, piano and synthesizer player, poet and philosopher known for his "cosmic philosophy," musical compositions and performances.  This collection features two landmark interviews with Sun Ra, including one of the oldest known recorded interviews conducted by Dennis Irving in 1968, and a 1991 interview with KPFK producer Jay Green titled, "Getting Better than Good, Notes from the Omniverse."

American Women Making History and Culture: 1963-1982 (Volumes I & II) (20 hours)

The project documents the emergence and evolution of the Women's movement in the United States, as well as the unique role Pacifica Radio played by providing a place for women to create and air programming that communicated their movement.  Selections from recordings include the voices of Betty Friedan, Anais Nin, Bella Abzug, Adrienne Rich, Shirley Chisholm, and Margo St. James.

Radio Free Alcatraz 45th Anniversary Collection (8 hours)

On December 22, 1969, KPFA began its first broadcast of the Alcatraz Radio Project, live and direct from Alcatraz, where Indians had taken a stand, vowing not to be moved until they can establish an Indian University and Cultural Center for All Indians of All Tribes. Selections in this compilation all originated from the main cell block building on Alcatraz, under the direction of John Trudell, a young Santee Sioux from Nebraska.

Free Speech Movement 50th Anniversary Collection (1 hour)

This compilation of selections from historic recordings broadcast on Pacifica's airwaves capture the spirit of the Free Speech Movement, assembled from KPFA field recordings made during the 1964-1965 academic year on the campus of the University of California at Berkeley.  Included are sounds from the 6,000-plus student sit-in at UC Berkeley's Sproul Hall, and speakers and artists sharing their concerns and opinions regarding students' rights and the faculty's role: Jack Weinberg, Mario Savio, Bettina Aptheker and a mix of Free Speech Movement songs performed by various artists.


Rights Summary: 
RESTRICTED. Permissions, licensing requests, Curriculum Initiative, Campus Campaign and all other inquiries should be directed to: Mark Torres, Archives Director, 800-735-0230,
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