The Morning Show : Jon Beaupre - January 17, 2002 Meyerson, Talbot, Schofield, Tighe, Kotkowski, Timlin, Charles, Rivers. Rundown: 7:10 Guest: Harold Meyerson, Editor of the "American Prospect" 202 776-0730 x 106 cell: 323 791-1319. 7:25-7:40 Strobe Talbot, co-ed. of "Age of Terror : America and the World After Sept. 11" Ph. 203 624-5263 Contact: Erica Forman, Newman Communications 617 254-4500 x 115 7:40 Guest: Victoria Schofield, author of "Kashmir in Conflict" from London Ph. 011-44-20-7727-1867 8:10 Post-War Afghanistan Guests: Thomas Tighe (Tie-g) is President of Direct Relief International (in studio) and Walter Kotkowski is with HOPE reporting from Kabul or Dr. Mark Timlin, Dir. of HOPE with Aryen Medical Clinic in Peshawar, Pakistan. 8:30 Guest: Daniel Charles, author of "Lord of the harvest: biotech, big money and future of food." Cell Ph. 202 513-2431 8:45 Myth of the liberal bias: Guest: Caryl Rivers, journalism professor U. of Boston, and author of "Slick spins and fractured facts" Phs. Work 617 353-3469 or Home 617 846-4372.
The Morning Show : Jon Beaupre - January 17, 2002 Meyerson, Talbot, Schofield, Tighe, Kotkowski, Timlin, Charles, Rivers.
Program Title:
The Morning Show : Jon Beaupre - January 17, 2002 Meyerson, Talbot, Schofield, Tighe, Kotkowski, Timlin, Charles, Rivers.
PRA Archive #:
Date Recorded on:
January 17, 2002
Date Broadcast on:
January 17, 2002
Item duration:
120 min.
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Los Angeles, Pacifica Radio Archives, 2001
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