Erik Johnson, Campaign coordinator of the Clearcut Campaign, discusses the joint project of the Rainforest Action Network, Canada's Future Forest Alliance, and the Sierra Club. Johnson focuses upon the development of the project, and the hope of using their book "Clearcut: The Tragedy of Industrial Forestry," as an educational tool. For this end they plan to distribute the book to activists across the country free of charge.|CLEARCUT CAMPAIGN / Erik Johnson| interviewed by Ken Brown. SERIES: Cambridge forum - Erik Johnson, Campaign coordinator of the Clearcut Camapign, discusses the joint project of the Rainforest Action Netwok, Canada's Future Forest Alliance, and the Sierra Club. Johnson focuses upon the development of the project, and the hope of using their book "Clearcut: The Tragedy of Industrial Foresty," as an educaitonal tool. For this end they plan to distribute the book to activists across the country free of charge. - RECORDED: KPFK, 11 Apr. 1994.