Three interviews which examine international and national politics, with a brief news analysis and commentary.|YELTSIN, THE MIDDLE EAST, AND THE CLINTON APPOINTMENTS / Serge Bahnov, George Nader, and Chris Mathews| interviewed by Ian Masters| commentary by Edmond Haddad. SERIES: Background briefing| no. 66 Three interviews which examine international and national politics, with a brief news analysis and commentary. CONTENT: pt.1. News analysis / Edmond Haddad (5 min.) -- pt.2. The Russian Constitutional crisis : Yeltsin's drop in popularity / Serge Bahanov (25 min.) -- pt.3. The relationship of Israeli and United States politics / George Nader (15 min.) -- The Clinton advisors : meeting the JFK expectations / Chris Mathews (10 min.) -- Rescuing the wretched of the world / commentary by Edmond Haddad (5 min.). - BROADCAST: KPFK, 13 Dec. 1992.
pt.1. News analysis / Edmond Haddad (5 min.) -- pt.2. The Russian Constitutional crisis : Yeltsin's drop in popularity / Serge Bahanov (25 min.) -- pt.3. The relationship of Israeli and United States politics / George Nader (15 min.) -- The Clinton advisors : meeting the JFK expectations / Chris Mathews (10 min.) -- Rescuing the wretched of the world / commentary by Edmond Haddad (5 min.).
pt.1. News analysis / Edmond Haddad (5 min.) -- pt.2. The Russian Constitutional crisis : Yeltsin's drop in popularity / Serge Bahanov (25 min.) -- pt.3. The relationship of Israeli and United States politics / George Nader (15 min.) -- The Clinton advisors : meeting the JFK expectations / Chris Mathews (10 min.) -- Rescuing the wretched of the world / commentary by Edmond Haddad (5 min.).