The two authors discuss their investigation into Western psychological phenominology. Robert Orenstein is the author of "The Evolution of Consciousness," and Richard Restak is the author of "The Brain has a Mind of Its Own."|EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN BRAIN AND MIND / Robert Ornstein and Richard Restak| interviewed by Pamela Burton. - SERIES: Philosopher stone - The two authors discuss their investigation into Western psychological phenominology. Robert Orenstein is the author of "The Evolution of Consciousness," and Richard Restak is the author of "The Brain has a Mind of Its Own." - CONTENT: pt.1. Robert Ornstein presents his view of cranial evolution as a result of heat stress in post-Savanna Africa over 4.5 million years ago. He compares two theories: 1) that the human mind is natural| and 2) the self is an illusion. He views human history as neuronal perceptions (37 min.) -- pt.2. Richard Restak recounts his experiences in coma trama care which lead him to write his book. He discusses mental self-image and the brain as a modular element, with the imagination more important than conscious thought (22 min.). RECORDED: Feb. 1992.
pt.1. Robert Ornstein presents his view of cranial evolution as a result of heat stress in post-Savanna Africa over 4.5 million years ago. He compares two theories: 1) that the human mind is natural; and 2) the self is an illusion. He views human history as neuronal perceptions (37 min.) -- pt.2. Richard Restak recounts his experiences in coma trama care which lead him to write his book. He discusses mental self-image and the brain as a modular element, with the imagination more important than conscious thought (22 min.).