Episode Title:
On the left / Malvina Reynolds interviewed by Dorothy Healey
Series Title:
PRA Archive #:
Dorothy Healey interviews Malvina Reynolds at KPFK. They talk about communicating with people of all ages, the motivation for Malvina's life, her family, the movement against nuclear power, and the basis for her political beliefs. Healey relates her history of getting out of jail in Los Angeles, meeting Malvina, and labor struggles. Reynolds talks about meeting Barry Commoner, and her inspiration to write "Steam in a boiler." Healey performs pieces of her songs The little house; Wheels (from her children's album); You can make steam in a boiler; Black lung song; Recall judge song; They got the world in their pocket; and Don't push me. Contains some sensitive language. This is the same program as KZ1151, which has been digitized.
Date Recorded on:
Jan. 18, 1977
Date Broadcast on:
KPFK, Jan. 18, 1977; Jan. 8, 1978; Mar. 18, 1979
Item duration:
1 reel (55 min.) : 7 1/2 ips, stereo.
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Los Angeles : Pacifica Radio Archive, 1978.
Rights Summary:
RESTRICTED. Permissions, licensing requests, Curriculum Initiative, Campus Campaign and all other inquiries should be directed to: Mark Torres, Archives Director, 800-735-0230, Mark@PacificaRadioArchives.org
This recording is currently on a 1/4” reel tape and has not been digitally preserved. If you would like to contribute to the cost of transferring this recording, and receive your own personal copy on CD, please complete this form and we will return your request with pricing information. You will hear from an archive staff member once your request has been researched. We can also be reached by phone at 800-735-0230.