Music of Casse Culver, Willie Tyson, Alix Dobkin, and Maxine Feldman. Casse Culver performs: "Three Gypsies", "Sacred River", "Crystal Skies". Willie Tyson performs: "Lay Me Down". Maxine Feldman performs "Amazon". Willie Tyson again with "Witching Hour." Program closes at 27:00 with closing credits, then music starts again. Casse Culver performs: "I'm Late Again". Willie Tyson performs "Did You Say Love". Alix Dobkin (and children) performs "The Little House", "Mary B.", "Getting Ready(?)". Casse Culver and Willie Tyson: "The Bloods", "Truck Driving Woman" (Trevor and Mackey). Concert was sponsored by the Lesbian Feminist Liberation and recorded by Margaret Mercer with the help of Kathy Currs[sp?]. Program produced by Paula Kane and Judy Pasternak. Box says Part 1 of 2, but we do not have a Part 2. Program IZ1238 may be a duplicate.

This recording has been digitally preserved as part of Pacifica's American Women Making History and Culture: 1963-1982 grant preservation project, and is available for research and reference . Please contact the archives via telephone: 818-506-1077 or email: americanwomen at pacificaradioarchives dot org for information on how to obtain a copy of this program. Thank you.
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