Chanel .38

Program Title:
Chanel .38
PRA Archive #: 

Chanel .38 / written and produced by Matthew Finch and Cinthia Singleton. - Radio drama of one woman's reaction to street harassment. Set during a heat wave in front of school children, the crime beocmes a news event and becomes subject to tabloid journalism and AM talk radio. CAST: Jeff Ward, Ken Forman, Hesou Coue, Angela Muto, Sidney Smith, Dan Zagrosik, Tiom Zivkovich, Matthew Finch, Jo-Anne Humphrey, Delphine Blue, Christina McKay, Stephen Jakcson, Philip Suraci, Sam Brenzel, Dallas Galvin, Cinthia Singleton, and Alice Bergmann. Restricted distribution rights. Available only to public radio stations or as premiums within the Pacifica stations. - RECORDED: WBAI, July 1993. BROADCAST: WBAI, 4 Aug. 1993.

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